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94. The Iron Hunt by Marjorie M. Liu...

August 16, 2010
iron hunt
Title: The Iron Hunt (Hunter Kiss #1)
Author: Marjorie M. Liu
ISBN-13: 9780441016068
Paperback: 305 pages
Publisher: Penguin Group, 2008
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository

FTC Disclosure: My copy of The Iron Hunt came from my public library. I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
I picked up The Iron Hunt because I'd heard quite a bit about it--all good, of course. I love the cover--yes, there's a chick with tattoos, but in this case, the tattoos actually serve a purpose. Of course, the chick is the heroine, and her name is Maxine.

Apparently, Maxine is the latest (and last?) of a line of demon hunters--each born to the previous, each inheriting the mantle upon their mother's death. And those tattoos? They're her armor, rendering her invincible during the day. At night, they're tricky little demons who will stop at nothing to protect her. With an appetite for anything from Snickers bars to teddy bear stuffing, the five are entertaining little buggers.

Marjorie Liu's The Iron Hunt is a fast-paced read, with a world full of demons and zombies and other bad things that go bump in the night. Not that it's all about Maxine and those she hunts. There's the boyfriend who has a penchant for song, a zombie queen who manipulates everyone she can, and a few new "friends" who're there to help her in the upcoming apocalyptic battle for the souls of humanity.

With an interesting backstory and potential for a really gripping rest-of-the-story, I will definitely be picking up the other books in the series.

Check out Ms. Liu's website for an excerpt

drey's rating: 3/5 Good

Challenges: 100+, Support Your Local Library


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