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January's Featured Author: Anne Patrick!!

January 5, 2011
Well, it's a brand new year, and with it we have a brand new author to feature... Anne Patrick writes romantic thrillers, and inspirational romance as Kinzie Monroe. I haven't read her books before, but that's part of the fun with my Featured Authors, isn't it--meeting new authors and their books! *grin* So. Without further ado, here's my Q&A with Anne.

drey: Happy New Year, Anne! Welcome to drey’s library, and thank you for taking the time to visit us as this month’s Featured Author. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Anne: Happy New Year to you too! Thanks so much for having me, Drey!

drey: A quickie intro: Tell us about yourself in 10 sentences or less.

Anne: I was born and raised in Oklahoma before migrating north to Kansas a few years ago. When I’m not killing off people or falling in love with dashing heroes, I’m usually spending time with family and friends or surfing the net. Every chance I get, I love to travel out of the country to experience new cultures. Oh, and I have an alter ego (my lighter side) who goes by Kinzie Monroe that writes Inspirational Romance.

drey: Let’s talk about books! Why do you write what you write?

Anne: I write mysteries and suspense because that’s what I love to read. I grew up reading Nancy Drew then moved on to Stephen King, Sue Grafton, James Patterson, Dee Henderson, and now I’m hooked on Tess Gerritson.

drey: I ♥ Nancy Drew! I remember inhaling all the Nancy Drew books I could get my hands on...

What do you want your readers to get out of your books?

Anne: I want my readers to feel as if they’ve gone on an exciting adventure, and to be inspired. The best words a writer can hear from a reader is, “I couldn’t put your book down,” and “I couldn’t stop thinking about your book.” Music to my ears!

drey: Can you tell us about your first sale?

Anne: My first sale came in 2007 after many years of trial and error. Unfortunately my first publisher wasn’t a very reputable one, but I did learn a lot from the experience.

drey: Smackdown: Your two favorite characters face off in the ring. Who are they, which one wins, and why?

Anne: Now that’s a tough one! The first two that come to mind is Alex Cross (James Patterson) and Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich). I think Alex is much tougher so he’d probably win. They’d definitely go twelve rounds though.

drey: Ooooh, you're dissing my gal Steph... Personally, I think Steph would somehow trip up over something while running from Alex and while flailing scores a knockout blow on him... 'Cuz that's how things happen around her... *grin*

What do you think of electronic readers? Do you have one? Do you think they’ll replace paper books?

Anne: I don’t have one, but I want one. I don’t think they’ll replace paper books, but I do think they’ll continue to grow in popularity. I have an aunt who’s in her seventies that received a Kindle for Christmas from her kids and she loves it. That in itself is a great sign.

drey: Life outside writing and books: What do you indulge in when not writing?

Anne: I love the outdoors so when I’m not writing I enjoy a good hike or going camping.

drey: Cats or dogs? Both? Neither?

Anne: Both! I currently share my home with an adorable German Shepherd named Zoe and her sidekick (a cat) Sailor. They do a good job entertaining me when my writing muse refuses to cooperate.

yummydrey: Do you have a favorite accompaniment to chocolate?

Anne: Cheesecake.

drey: Yum! Now I have a hankering for cheesecake. Specifically, the White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Doesn't that look just totally delish??

Ok. Back on topic... What are you looking forward to next?

Anne: Finishing my WIP’s and finding a home for them.

Bringing up the rear, drey’s Proust-lite:
  1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? Walking barefoot on a deserted beach in the Caribbean at sunset
  2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Watching a loved one suffering with cancer
  3. Who is/are your favorite hero/heroine(s) in fiction? James Bond
  4. Who is/are your favorite hero/heroine(s) in real life? Our military men and women
  5. What sound do you love? The sound of harps
  6. What sound do you hate? Constant whining
  7. The quality you admire most in a man? Courage
  8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Strength
  9. If not a writer, you would be a ... patient in a physco ward because I wouldn’t have a release for all the voices in my head :-)
  10. What is your favorite swear word? Damn it!

Thank you so much for stopping by! Everyone, find Anne online at her website, Go visit. Seriously. Because you'll want to do that anyway for what's coming up next, which is...

fire and ashA Giveaway!!
Anne is giving away an e-copy of Fire and Ash, her latest romantic suspense... This one's open to everyone who can (& will) read an ebook. To enter, comment below and tell us which other Anne Patrick book you'd be interested in (see, I told you you'd want to head on over to her website!). Don't forget to include your email address! Do it before 6pm CST January 31st. Good luck!

About the book:
Fire Investigator Sadie McGregor is called to her hometown of Emerald Point, Missouri to investigate a suspicious fire which claimed the life of a local college student. By appearance the fire looks like the girl was just careless. What Sadie and the handsome new sheriff discover will not only affect those close to them, but will rock the entire community.


Anonymous said...

I would love to read Lethal Dreams and Sabotage. All your books sounds really good. Please enter me in contest.

Anne Patrick said...

You know I think you're right, Drey, you should never underestimate Steph!

Hi Tore, thanks so much for comment.

Gina said...

Hi Anne and hello Drey! What a super interview! Anne, you crack me up, move me to tears and take my breath're a wonderful writer & a great person. Good luck in 2011. And Drey, your site is awesome. Nice to meet you :-) Hugs and blessings to you both.

donnas said...

I would also like to read Sabotage and Lethal Dreams. I love romantic suspense and her books sound great.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Miss Mae said...

Feisty interview, loved it! I am so in tune with Anne about Nancy Drew, cheesecake, James Bond, and...hmmm, did I mention James Bond? LOL

Anne is a fabulous writer, and it's wonderful that I see her all over the place! You go, girl! :)

Linda Swift said...

Good interview, Anne. I can relate to a bad experience with ebpublishers before finding the ones I have now. It was a lesson learned. I would be happy to be a winner of this book or No Greater Love. See, I did go and check all your other books. And it was hard to choose just one other. I wish you continued succes with your books. Linda Swift (

drey said...

Hi y'all! Thanks for stopping in today... :) I had a busy day at work, and just got home. What's the first thing I did? Check in on this post, of course! :)

& Gina ~ thank you for the compliment! Nice to meet you, too!

DanielleThorne said...

I love cheesecake, Stephanie Plum, and I love Anne's books, too. Awesome suspense. I just purchased my new copy of SABOTAGE today and am looking forward to reading it.

Great interview. Good luck with your books, Anne!

Anne Patrick said...

Thanks for all the great comments and compliments. You ladies are awesome!

Yes, Linda, it does pay to shop around for the right publisher and ask lots of questions :-).

Laurean Brooks said...

Hi Anne! When you get ready to leave for Europe, let me know. I can be packed in a jiff. LOL.

Love this interview. Enlightening. I could hear your voice loud and clear. Strange how personalities jump through a computer screen.

You are a wonderful writer and going places, Girlfriend! May God continue to bless.

Gail Pallotta said...

What a great interview. I've had the pleasure of reading one of Anne's suspenseful novels. Loved it. Now, it was so nice to learn a little more about her. Wish we were walking on a beach in the Caribbean this morning.

Anne Patrick said...

Laureen, when I head for Europe I'll let you know. I'm sure we'd have a blast!

Gail, I wish we were in the Caribbean too! I am so ready for Spring :-).

Thank you both for dropping by, you ladies are awesome!

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