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199. Friday Night Bites by Chloe Neill...

November 8, 2009
friday night bitesAbout the book:

You'd think headlines like that would have provoked the fine citizens of the Windy City to take up arms against us blood-sucking fiends. Instead, ten months later, we're enjoying a celebrity status reserved for the Hollywood elite--fending off paparazzi, who are only slightly less dangerous than the cross- and stake wielding slayers. Don't get me wrong. Joe Public isn't exactly thrilled to be living side by side with the undead, but at least they haven't stormed the castle... yet.

All that will change once they learn about the Raves, mass feeding parties where vampires round up humans like cattle and drink themselves silly. Most civilized vampires frown on this behavior--but that doesn't make good copy for a first-time reporter looking to impress his high-society family.

So now my "master"--centuries-old yet gorgeously well-preserved Ethan Sullivan--wants me to reconnect with my own upper-class family and act as liaison between humans and vampires...and to keep the more unsavory aspects of our existence out of the media. But someone doesn't want people and vamps to play nicey-nice--someone with an ancient grudge.

drey's thoughts:
When Chloe Neill approached me about reviewing Friday Night Bites, I swooned. And when she so very nicely played along with my roundtable interview of the cast of characters from Some Girls Bite, I knew I liked her. And then, I read Friday Night Bites.

I love Merit. And I really enjoyed "watching" her grow. Some of the experience that she went through was not easy, nor was it fun. But all of it contributed to a Merit that was more. Faster. Stronger. And yet some things stay the same. She's still a vampire. Still attracted to Ethan. Still courted by Morgan. Still fighting to keep the vampire contained so that she can retain whatever shreds of her humanity she can hang on to.

And still using her brains to figure things out. Which I like, very very much. Another thing I liked about Friday Night Bites--the chapter headings, which are pretty amusing. Like, You Give Bite a Bad Name. And Merit's Deep, Dark (72% cocoa) Secret... So. If you're a fan of things that go bump (with fangs!) in the dark, pick up Chloe's books. You won't regret it.

Title: Friday Night Bites
Author: Chloe Neill
ISBN-10: 045122793X
ISBN-13: 9780451227935
Paperback: 357 pages
Publisher: Penguin Group, 2009

Challenges: 100+, Pub, Series

Disclosure: My copy of Friday Night Bites was provided by the author for this review.


wheels209 said...

Hey Drey I am glad you got a chance to read FNB. Did you read it in one sitting?? I agree that some of the things Merit went through were not easy to read or fun but it helped make it a better book. I changed my mind I am now reading George Martin's Game of Thorns. Take care my friend have a great week.

drey said...

heh. Of course I read it in one sitting... =P

I LOVE George Martin's ASoIF series. I re-read them periodically, and I still cannot believe how complex everything is. How does he keep it all straight??

wheels209 said...

Hi Drey you are right my friend. He might be able to keep it straight but I am not sure I will be able too. Wish me luck. I have read Terry Goodkind and liked his work very much. I think I will like Martin's books just as much but after the first book my brain may feel like it has been through a blinder on SMOOTHY setting. Now there's an image to leave you with. LOL, Very Hard!! Did you read those books in one sitting also?? Later My Friend.

Jo said...

First, I have have been waiting to read this one for some I want it even more.

Second, You've recieved this one before but, you have an award...

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Another series that I have to start. I do have Chloe's first book on my shelf so I just need to get to it =) Glad you enjoyed her second book.

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