J.Kaye put out an S.O.S. for someone to run this challenge for 2009. I nuttily volunteered. Mostly because I agreed with the spirit of the challenge. I spend way too much on books. Authors, publishers, and retailers probably love me for it, but my budget needs some control. Ok, LOTS of control. And since I now wield (& use!) a library card, I can try to put some parameters around buying books.

So, without further ado, here's my rules for the 2009 Ban on Spending Challenge:
- List all the books on your TBR list. Every single one.
- No purchasing books for yourself until all the books listed are gone. No purchasing books for other people with the intention of reading them after they are finished. Library or other borrowed books can’t be listed.
- Any books won in a raffle or given to you as a gift will be added to this list.
- Books to be reviewed for promo companies, other blogs, authors, etc. do not count and are not added to this list.
- Challenge runs January 1st to December 31st, 2009. Start anytime and list as many or as few books as you have. Once all books are checked off from the list, the ban is lifted and the spending can begin again.
- If you don't have a ton of books to list, but would still like to participate in the spirit of the challenge, you may elect to participate in a period of "abstinence" ~ e.g. no buying from January through April. Make sure to state your intent & the period of time you're abstaining for.
- I MAY have a prize at the end of the year, I'll have to think of the qualifications (most books waded thru? longest wait? random?).
- If you don't have a blog and would like to still join, list your books in the comment section below.
- Any questions? Post a comment, & I'll figure it out. =)
- Have FUN!
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Enter your challenge books here: