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BTT - Time to read...

December 12, 2008
This week's Booking through Thursday:

  1. Do you get to read as much as you want to read?  (I'm guessing #1 is an easy question for everyone?)
  2. If you had (magically) more time to read - what would you read?  Something educational? Classic? Comfort reading? Escapism? Magazines?
Hmm...  #1 is an easy question - I never get to read as much as I want to...  But that's life, right?  Especially when you have a family, kid(s), work, etc.  I guess I could say, I read as much as I can, with the life I have.  And while it isn't as much as I want, it's good enough for me. 

More time to read? Honestly I probably wouldn't know what to do with it right now.  I'm pretty good at sneaking time to read, and I read fast.  Give me a few hours or so & I'll have a book read & done (I've been known to take a few hours off work & head to a comfy chair at Barnes and Noble, and just check out books).  Give me more, and that just means I have to take more trips to the library, because I'd feel bad about spending even more than I already do on books.  But I wouldn't mind more time, for example, when all of my favorite authors come out with new books.  It's so HARD to pick which book to read first!  =)


gautami tripathy said...

Yes, it is hard to pick books from the tbr pile. THey all stare at you expectantly, if you know what I mean!

Here is my BTT post
Kill Word Verification

drey said...

Lol, yes I do! I kinda stare back, and say, hmm... That cover looks really cool, but this story is one I have to read now. But oh wait! And on it goes. Oh well. I've been known to eenie-meenie-mynie-moe the stack. =)

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