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March's FEATURED AUTHOR: Danielle's favorite reads...

March 17, 2010
Today I'm so happy to have Danielle Trussoni swing by to share some of her favorite reads. Because what do we have in common most of all, if not books?

Hello, I’m Danielle Trussoni, author of the new novel ANGELOLOGY. I’d like to say thank you to Drey for inviting me to be on the site. It is great to be able to reach out and communicate directly with readers about my book and books in general.

I’ve been asked to write about some of my favorite books, which is an extremely difficult task, as I have spent most of my life (ever since I began to read at six years old) reading everything I could get my hands on. I remember that there was a program at our local library where if you read a book and wrote a short description of the book, you were able to color in a piece of a hot-air balloon. I filled up many, many balloons and, more important, I read a lot of amazing books.

My favorite books at the moment are big, complicated novels that involve an element of the fantastic. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark is a book that I love. I also love classics, such as Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone, which I reread every few years. I also admire Kate Mosse’s Labyrinth, which is set in the Languedoc region of France, where I am currently living, and so it is interesting to read about the history of this region. All three of these books have amazing characters, an historical element and bring in the supernatural in some fashion. I would love any suggestions that readers have for books that I might like. You can get in touch with me via my website:

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy reading Angelology!

Thank you for swinging by, Danielle! I'll be looking into some of the books you've listed...


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