Title: Three (Thr3e)
Author: Ted Dekker
ISBN-13: 9781599953144
Paperback: 398 pages
Publisher: Center Street, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Hachette Book Group
drey's thoughts:
Dekker's Thr3e is an engrossing read about a guy who is targeted by a madman who's going to kill him if he doesn't confess his biggest sin. The problem? Kevin has no clue what sin he's supposed to confess. Orphaned at a young age, he's had a hard childhood, but is finally getting his life on track. Or is he?
When the madman gets Kevin's childhood best friend Samantha involved, Kevin has no choice but to relive his most traumatic memories, and face the fact that he may have something to confess after all. But can he do it? He'll have to decide quickly, as lives are on the line...
Ted Dekker weaves a compellingly suspenseful tale of a man caught between his desire to protect all that is good and his aversion to all that is evil. How, then, can he save Samantha--and himself?
You will not put this one down until you're done. I'd say more, but I'm afraid that would give it all away and you know I don't do spoilers. *grin* Read it for yourself!
Have you read Thr3e? What did you think?
This does sound good! I'm curious about Kevin's sin after your review.
:D That's good! lol! I'd offer to send it your way but my mother-in-law has dibs on anything mystery/suspense... Maybe after she's done with it?
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