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70. Blackout by Annie Solomon...

May 1, 2009
After One Deadly Sin made its impression on me, I found, and checked out, Blackout from the library.

Margo Scott wakes up one day, goes to work, and realizes that she cannot remember the previous month. Of her life. If that wasn't bad enough, it looks like some people are trying to end it. Her life, that is. Stressful enough for ya? Hmm... Apparently not for Margo - she dreams of a child screaming, a child that she does not know, and cannot "see"...

Jake Wise is asked, as a personal favor, to watch over Margo. Then, the dude who did the asking, is killed. Jake now has questions - who is Margo, anyway? Why is he watching over her? Whatever that means... Watching for what?

Complicated enough? Of course not. What fun would it be if Margo wasn't also the prime suspect? She's trying her darnedest to remember what happened to her, and more importantly, who she really is. All before she gets hauled off to the slammer.

Blackout confirms my impression of Anne Solomon's writing. I love the melding of genres, and she does a great job of keeping the story plausible. The plot was complicated enough to fill way more than the 370 pages here.

Want more? Here's an excerpt from Annie's website... Like it? Click on the cover to purchase your own copy from Amazon...

Title: Blackout
Author: Annie Solomon
ISBN-10: 0446616311
ISBN-13: 978-0446616317
Paperback: 370 pages
Publisher: Forever, 2006


wheels209 said...

Hi Drey,
I have been thinking about picking up some of Anne Solomon's books. No surprise there right. LOL!!! Do you have to read them in order too enjoy them?? Thanks and have a great day.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Sounds good!

The Book Resort said...

Isn't this cover awesome?

Annie Solomon said...

Hey, Drey! I left a comment yesterday or the day before and it isn't here. Hmmm...conspiracy or accident? I think there's a story here. In any case, thanks for the review of Black Out. It won the RITA for rom sus so it has a special place in my heart. Glad you liked it. And if my comment should appear somewhere, sometime, and it seems like I'm repeating myself...I guess I am.

kalea_kane said...

Black Out looks really good. I'll have to check it out. Perhaps literally from the library. :) Great review. I have been meaning to pick up another one of Anne Solomon's books too.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed One Deadly Sin. I'm glad to see this one's a good one, too.

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I do love the colors chosen for the cover. Definitely sounds like a book I'd enjoy.

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