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129. Lord of Misrule by Rachel Caine...

August 12, 2009
About the book:

In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans have coexisted in (relatively) bloodless harmony...until the arrival of Bishop, a master vampire who threatens to put the evil back in evil undead and smash the fragile peace. But Bishop isn't the only threat...

Violent black clouds promise a storm of devastating proportions. As student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against the elements--both natural and unnatural--the unexpected happens: Morganville's vampires begin to vanish one by one. Discovering why leads Claire to one last choice: Swear allegiance to Bishop...or die.

drey's thoughts:
So, as if having the Morganville vamps on the verge of a civil war isn't enough, there's a storm threatening, and Shane's dad rides back into town. The humans are also getting involved like they never have, with some forming factions to take back the town. All of which does not bode well for Claire, Shane, Eve, or Michael.

Lord of Misrule deftly picks up where Feast of Fools left off, with hardly a beat in between. It's jam-packed with enough drama and action to make your head spin, all in a teeny 231 pages. This installment is more focused on Claire and her friends, and their efforts in trying to stop the next catastrophe from happening. Amelie and Oliver barely make an appearance, and neither does Bishop. Until the end.

Rachel Caine sure knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat. I love this series, and am anxiously waiting for Carpe Corpus to be ready for pickup.

Title: Lord of Misrule
Author: Rachel Caine
ISBN-10: 0451225724
ISBN-13: 9780451225726
Paperback: 231 pages
Publisher: NAL Jam, 2009

Challenges: Series, Support Your Local Library, Vampire, Pub


kalea_kane said...

Looks great. I never read this series, but I think I just might have to. :)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I haven't started this series yet. I'm trying to finish off the Weather Wardens first.

drey said...

Susan - What's really funny for me, is that I didn't really care for the Weather Wardens series... Picked it up a while back, & just never got into it...

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