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Another day, another challenge...

August 31, 2009
stephanie plum challenge
*sigh* Blame this one on J.Kaye, too, will ya? I can't seem to help myself... =P So. I am now participating in J.Kaye's Stephanie Plum challenge.

  1. The goal is to get caught up on the Stephanie Plum series, so create a list of the books you haven't read yet. You have between now and December 31, 2010. Don't include books you've read prior to or started before 7/23/09.

  2. This reading challenge is for participants with a blog. If you decide to participate in the 2009/2010 Stephanie Plum Reading Challenge, create a post on your blog telling others about this event. In your post, be sure to include the link to this post on your blog. That way others can find their way here and join in the fun.

  3. If you want to have your reading list on your blog's right sidebar, then please include a link to this post.

  4. Audio and eBooks count.

  5. You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year.

  6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, list the direct link to your post where your books will be listed. If you list just your blog’s URL, it will be removed. If you don’t have a blog, leave the URL blank.

  7. Books to be published after signing up do not have to be listed. This is optional.

  8. There will be a place for you to link your reviews, but this is optional.

  9. When you have completed your number of the Stephanie Plum books, link your completed list to the completed page. One will be set up.

  10. If you have any questions, feel free to ask below or email J.Kaye at Comments usually get a quicker response.

It shouldn't be too hard, though. I think the only Plum book I haven't read yet is Finger Lickin' Fifteen, and it's already on my bookshelf... *grin* I need an easy one!!

Wanna join me? Go to J.Kaye's Stephanie Plum Challenge page to sign up!


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I just read Fifteen last week (and am now giving it to Bridget). Definitely an easy one.

If only I didn't have to post about it. I'd enter more challenges if that were the case. Maybe once I get the Rocks and Reads project together...

bermudaonion said...

This should be a fun challenge. Good luck!

Sheila Deeth said...

Interesting. Now I'm feeling really out of touch. Will look into it.

Jo-Jo said...

I just love these books. The next one up for me is the third one and I'm hoping to read or listen to this one in a month or so.

Anonymous said...

I know. I am horrible...just horrible. Still, I am thrilled you are joining in!

drey said...

These books are definitely inhalable. =) Now I'm in the same position as Susan--Can't I just tell you I read it? =P

Ladytink_534 said...

I hope you enjoy them! I wasn't too crazy about the last several Plum's but they're still pretty good.

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