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Tour: 1. Getting Lucky by Carolyn Brown (& a little visit)...

January 4, 2010
Welcome to the first weekday of the new year! Happy 2010, everybody. To jumpstart things, please join me in welcoming the very lovely Carolyn Brown back to drey's library!

FTC Disclosure: My ARC of Getting Lucky was provided by Sourcebooks for this blog tour. I am an IndieBound and Amazon affiliate, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

About Carolyn Brown:
Carolyn Brown, an award-winning author who has published 36 romance novels for the library market, credits her eclectic family for her humor and writing ideas. She was born in Texas but grew up in southern Oklahoma where she and her husband, Charles, a retired English teacher, now make their home in the town of Davis, Oklahoma. They have three grown children and enough grandchildren to keep them young.

Carolyn shares with us:
carolyn brown
Hello Drey!

Thank you so much for having me on your blog site again. We’ve had so much fun in the past that I’ve looked forward to visiting with you today about Getting Lucky, the third in the Lucky trilogy.

Copies of Getting Lucky, were put on the shelves of book stores last week. Note: A little glass cleaner on a paper towel will take the drool from the covers. Can’t fault a reader for that when Griffin Luckadeau is such a sexy cowboy! Sexiness is a dominant gene in the Luckadeau family that Beau and Slade dipped heavily into, also. They were very lucky that there were three good strong southern women who were willing to look past all that handsomeness and get right into those cowboys’ hearts for the good stuff.

You asked me to write today about where I see my writing career in the next five years. Oh, my! I see big beautiful book covers, stories that make folks (yes, some men read my books, too so I have to say folks instead of women) laugh and weep and get to know the characters so well they wonder if they’ll meet them in the grocery store next time they dash in for milk and bread. That is the joyous part of the writing career. Realistically, I see myself still sitting in front of a computer telling the stories of sassy southern heroines and the men they fall in love with, and enjoying every minute of it.

My mother is eighty-three years old and in a nursing home. She asked me the question only she projected it a lot further than five years. Like what would I be doing when I was her age? I told her that I planned to still be putting out at least five books a year. Let’s see, if my brain cells don’t completely fry and refuse to think about anything other than chocolate and Florida beaches that would put me well over the one-hundred-plus sales club. Now that’s a goal!

Now that I’ve put out five or more books for a couple of years in a row, I might back peddle a little bit. Five books a year is a lot of hours in front of a computer! In five years, the ideal situation would be that I’ll be writing one major best seller each year that will be sold to every foreign market available and goes to a bidding war with major movie companies. I know! I know, Drey! I dream big!

That’s the ideal situation. The realistic one is that I will be writing (and selling) and getting all excited about a trilogy a year and keeping that big best seller on the back burner just in case all the miracles haven’t been given away.

Thinking about five years ahead makes me think about a twelve years back. Then it was my goal to sell one book. To get “the call” that an editor liked my quirky characters and sassy heroines like Julie in Getting Lucky to offer me a contract. Fifty two books later, it’s my goal to keep selling until writing isn’t fun. Somehow I don’t see that happening!

So my five year goal, my ten year goal, my fifteen and twenty year goals are pretty much the same. Have fun with my stories; keep my heroines sassy and witty; my heroes sexy; write their stories and hope my agent and editors continue to love what I write. And to always, always get super excited when I get “the call” that another trilogy has sold. That’s a thrill that makes me look ahead with a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

Thanks Drey, for letting me blog with you for all three books and may you enjoy Getting Lucky as much as you did the other two in the trilogy. I swear I’m going to turn you into a western romance reader yet! Here’s hoping that in the next five years our paths cross often and we always have fun when they do.

Isn't Carolyn just grand?? Seriously though. I hope you're successful in meeting your goals! And you are so very welcome here, any time you feel like stopping by!! *grin* Feel free to drop a line (or two) for Carolyn down in the comments, y'all! She reads 'em, y'know.

getting luckyAbout the book:
Single mom Julie Donavan is looking for a place to start over. What she finds after buying a small house on five acres is nothing short of a nightmare.

Single dad "Lucky Griffin" Luckadeau has been crossing horns with his elderly neighbor for years. But when his daughter, Annie, decides she wants the new little girl who lives on the feuding property to be her friend, or better yet her sister, the sparks fly.

These two stubborn hotheads, who irritate each other beyond endurance, refuse to admit that it's fate that brought them together. And running from the inevitable is only going to bring a double dose of misery...

drey's thoughts:
Well, let me say this. If you take a cup of gorgeous, a tablespoon of sass, a dash of wit, a teaspoon of spunk, a whole mule's stubbornness, and mix it all up, you'll get Julie and Griffin--the characters of Carolyn Brown's latest Lucky offering. Of course, this being the third of a trilogy, characters from previous Lucky books show up here, too, which just ups the fun-o-meter.

I like Julie, just like I liked Milli and Jane. Carolyn's heroines are strong characters who aren't afraid to speak their minds, which I happen to love. Her heroes are always yummilicious, even with baggage. But they always always come 'round to the "right" way of thinking, lol. After all, this is romance. And a very entertaining romp.

drey's rating: 3.5 Very good

Title: Getting Lucky (Lucky #3)
Author: Carolyn Brown
ISBN-13: 9781402224362
ARC: 393 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon

Challenges: 100+, Pub

Danielle is starting your year off with a bang! One lucky winner will receive the 3 books in the Lucky series: Lucky in Love, One Lucky Cowboy, and Getting Lucky!! This one's open to US & Canada residents only, no PO Boxes please.

PLEASE REMEMBER, giveaways are only open to followers. Read my "changes for 2010 giveaways" post for details on how to make sure you're one.

On with the fun! To enter this giveaway, fill out this form and tell me why you want to win. Extra entries, yadda yadda yadda are all included on the form! Do it all before 6:00 p.m. CST January 17th!


Carolyn Brown said...

Good morning Drey
Thank you for the lovely review! And good luck to everyone who's putting thier name in the hat to win the trilogy! Here's hoping you have as much fun reading them as I did writing them.
Carolyn Brown

drey said...

Hello, Carolyn! Welcome back! I hope 2010 has great things in store for you... =)

Dixie said...

I don't know why but the submission form is sorta chopped off, and although there's a place for me to answer the question and fill in my email, I can't see a submit button. Hmmmm...

drey said...

Dixie, I think you can scroll down on the form to get to the submit button. Let me know if you run into issues, I can't figure out how to make the form less wide...

Anonymous said...

These sound like a great read! I am a new follower at this blog! I have not read Carolyn's books before. I entered the contest but its taking a lot of time for it to go through.

drey said...

Virginia~ If you like romance novels that make you laugh, you've got to read Carolyn's books. They're FUN.

FrankSandy~ Please fill out the form if you haven't already.

Carolyn Brown said...

Thanks to those who have commented. Happy reading!
Carolyn Brown

Karen H said...

Hi Drey & Carolyn,

Happy New Year to you both! Carolyn, I've never read your work before...they sound fun! I'll be adding your stuff to my BTB list.

Drey, I like the changes you've made to the contest entry. Easy-peasy! And most importantly, it sounds like it will streamline for things for you too! Gotta keep the keeper of the contests happy!

Happy Reading!

Amy Morgan said...

I came to read the interview. I love to see how Momma answers the questions ya'll throw her way! She's such an inspiration to this daughter of hers!

Thanks for having her again! I'm still trying to get these six kids to cooperate so I can read the series myself. Thinking of locking myself in the bathroom w/a cup of hot tea and a LONG bubble bath. Dang, up they ALL, even the 22 month old, how to KNOCK and yell MOMMA, YOU IN THERE!

drey said...

Happy New Year to you, too, Karen!! And thank you! I'm hoping to make it less work to host giveaways, lol.

drey said...

Amy, methinks you need some time away from the house where even the 22-month-old knows to knock and yell, lol!!

Carolyn Brown said...

Hello everyone!
Thanks for the comments and the fun. It's always a delight to blog on Drey's site.
Carolyn Brown

drey said...

awwwww, Carolyn! Come by anytime! =)

lag123 said...

Thanks for the review and giveaway!

homes for sale in london said...

I read because it takes me to places I would never go otherwise and puts me in situations I could never dream up for myself. I loved the Lucky series because it pitted sassy Texas country women against their men and in the last book a fiesty redeheaded Irish woman who could hold her own with the best of them. I adore the country slang and cussin’ and all the spats they have. I wasn’t sure Griffin was going to be smart enough to realize what was right in front of his face for the taking but he finally did. I can’t wait til the next series comes out and I know their will be plenty of laughs to abound. I had never read Carolyn’s before these books but am glad I have found her.

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