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92. The Tavernier Stones by Stephen Parrish...

August 12, 2010
tavernier stones
Title: The Tavernier Stones
Author: Stephen Parrish
ISBN-13: 9780738720562
Paperback: 367 pages
Publisher: Midnight Ink, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository

FTC Disclosure: My copy of The Tavernier Stones was provided the author for my reading pleasure. I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
Stephen Parrish is my Featured Author for the month of August. And when your Featured Author sends you his book, what do you do but read it? So I did.

I didn't have to like it, or think it was good. But y'know what? I did like it. It is good. Starting with the first sentence--"There's a dead guy out there."--The Tavernier Stones pulls you along on its roller-coaster of a treasure hunt as its cast of characters decipher clues to find the world's most notorious missing jewels. Amongst that cast is an excommunicated Amish cartographer, a jewel thief and his ex-model girlfriend, a no-longer-able-to-afford-to-keep-up-with-the-Joneses ex-banker, an ex-convict, and a policeman who finds out his wife is cheating on him. Phew! I hope I didn't miss anyone important!

Along with the characters to follow, love, and/or hate, Stephen provides cartography, cryptology, history, and a quirky sense of humor to tie the present-day treasure hunt with the clues from the past. Who'll unravel the clues first? Who'll get their hands on the treasure? Who will double-cross whom? And the ending will be here before you know it.

The Tavernier Stones is a little gem you should set aside time to read, or face some tired mornings from staying up too late into the night!

drey's rating: 3.5/5 Very Good

Challenges: 100+, Pub


holdenj said...

I like it when a book surprises you, especially in a good way! Certainly sounds like some great characters inhabit this one!

Kaye said...

I love these kinds of stories and the cover on this one is fabulous. Glad you enjoyed the book- your review makes me want it! Great job, Drey!!

drey said...

well then Kaye... Did you sign up for the giveaway? You'll get 4 other books with it, but they're worth checking out! :)

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