About Stephen:
A gemologist and cartographer by training, Stephen Parrish has married his love of both along with a dose of mystery, into his debut novel The Tavernier Stones.
The Interview:
drey: Hello Stephen! I’m glad you’re visiting drey’s library in August as my Featured Author! A big “thank you” to Aerin (of In Search of Giants) for the introduction to Stephen. Let’s get started, shall we?
FTC Disclosure: I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.
When did you know you wanted to be an author? What were you doing?
Stephen: I was in my early teens, a heavy reader of novels, and I happened to say to my mom, "Wouldn't it be cool to write one of these things?" And she answered that doing so was just a matter of choice. That struck me, because I'd never really thought of writers as having ever been muggles, but it's true.
drey: Tell us about The Tavernier Stones. And how long has the story been percolating before you let it out?
Stephen: A lost cache of priceless gems. A global race to find them. And lots of steamy sex. Actually hardly any sex at all, but there's nothing stopping readers from having some while reading the book.
The story nagged me for four years before I finally relented and put words to paper. I believe that's how all novel ideas should make the cut: when the author has no place else to hide.
drey: Can you share your first sale experience with us?
Stephen: The editor sent me a message discussing timetables for publication. I showed the message to a couple of writer friends who assured me it was, indeed, an offer.
drey: Who and/or what inspires your writing? How do you get from idea to pages?
Stephen: Fear. Fear of eternal anonymity, of an unmarked grave, of becoming dust scattered by fickle and indifferent winds. Also money.
I write very sloppily: I put things down just for the sake of filling blank space, then I cut what I don't like. I do a lot of cutting, so much in fact it's probably fair to say I cut stories rather than write them.
drey: What do you indulge in when not writing?
Stephen: Painting is my second love, and I especially enjoy painting with my daughter. But since she's now in her mid-teens she doesn't have much time for me anymore. So most of my not-writing time nowadays is spent not-not-writing.
drey: Do you have a favorite accompaniment to chocolate?
Stephen: Red wine. Ignore connoisseurs who say the two don't go well together.
drey: What? Who says they don't go together?? Some people have no taste (buds?). Sheesh.
Screen versions of your book: If The Tavernier Stones was to be transferred to film, who would be on your dream team?
Stephen: Aerin selected Brendan Fraser to play the role of John Graf, so that deal is pretty much inked, even if Brendan doesn't know about it. I should add that Aerin covets him in the biblical way, therefore her motives don't necessarily serve cinemagraphic art.
drey: LMAO! Aerin, honey, you've been busted. *grin*
Smackdown: Your two favorite characters face off in the ring. Who are they, which one wins, and why?
Stephen: I'll take this opportunity to plug a couple of my friends' books. Daisy Lockhart from PLUM BLOSSOMS IN PARIS
drey: Sigh. Boys and their wrestling... But, WHO WINS?? Or is that going to be a topic for another day?
Electronic readers are becoming more affordable and available. There's been quite a bit of discussion about their impact on paper books, the environment, people's reading & buying habits... What's your take?
Stephen: I suppose the conclusion that ebooks will eventually dominate is inescapable, but there's going to be at least one serious downside. I grew up in a house full of books. It was inevitable that I would love to have them all around me when I got a house of my own. It was likewise inevitable that my daughter inherit the passion, and even the ambition to write. Can you imagine future generations claiming their love for literature was born of seeing an e-reader on the coffee table?
There is no better wall decoration than a shelf of books. Merely gazing at them brings pleasure, merely entering a library inspires awe for the intellectual wealth of our civilization.
drey: On the publishing side--what do you think publishers and authors ought to do about the digital revolution? Jump in wholeheartedly, and blaze the path for others to follow? Watch from the sidelines till there's some consensus on what the new business model is going to be for the digital age? Cross their fingers that this is all just a fad & will blow over soon? Name one thing publishers could improve in regards to eBooks.
Stephen: Tavernier hasn't been made into an ebook yet, and I think that's a mistake. I'd prefer to give customers a choice of all formats at once. One lesson I learned as a jewelry salesman was to sell the customers while they were in the store. Otherwise they got run over by the be-back bus. An impulse buyer who wants an ebook isn't likely to keep checking back to see if yours is finally available.
drey: Hear, hear. Not all readers are as fanatical as I am about checking back to see if their favorite books are available in e-format..
What are you looking forward to next?
Stephen: Getting the beta reads back on my second novel. Selling it. Glory.
To bring this to a close, the Proust-lite:
- What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Peace of mind. - What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Regret for things not done. - Who is/are your favorite hero/heroine(s) in fiction?
Those, like Huckleberry Finn, I got to know when I was young. - What is/are your favorite hero/heroine(s) in real life?
At the risk of being unoriginal, Abraham Lincoln. - What sound do you love?
My daughter's laughter. And the rain. - What sound do you hate?
My daughter crying. - The quality you admire most in a man?
Intelligence and self esteem. - The quality you admire most in a woman?
Lots of intelligence and lots of self esteem. - If not a writer, you would be a ... Cartographer.
- What is your favorite swear word?
Boner! As in, that's what this interview gave me! Thanks Drey!
Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by, Stephen! I hope you enjoy your visit here this month. Everyone, check out Stephen Parrish’s website at http://www.stephenparrish.com/, blog at stephenparrish.blogspot.com, and check out his contest going on at tavernierstones.com.
Aerin also created a book trailer for The Tavernier Stones. Check it out:
Stephen has a lil' something something for y'all. Actually, five lil' somethings! What are they? Well, take a look-see:
![]() IndieBound Amazon The Book Depository | IndieBound Amazon The Book Depository | ![]() IndieBound Amazon The Book Depository |
![]() IndieBound Amazon The Book Depository | ![]() IndieBound Amazon The Book Depository |
How do you enter? Easy peasy. Comment and tell us what your favorite cover is out of the five. Don't forget to include your email address. This one's open to US residents only. Do it by 6:00pm CST August 25th!
ps: Want extra entries? Comment (separately!) with a knock-knock joke. They're apparently hard to come by in Germany.
Hmmm, that's a tough choice, but I'd have to pick "Plum Blossoms in Paris."
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
This one will make you roll your eyes:
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Ice cream!
Ice cream who?
Ice cream if you don't let me in!
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
lmao LuAnn!! Thanks for the joke! :)
Moonlight Secrets is my favorite cover.
I love the cover for Freudian Slip!
I know this is a common knock knock joke, but I can't think of another!
Knock Knock
Who's There?
Boo Who?
Hey, why are you crying?
He he... :)
Here's a real old joke-
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orenge ya glad I didn't say banana.
As Daisy's coach (and Maker), I can tell you that she's no wilting flower.
Great interview, Audrey and Steve. I really enjoyed the questions and answers. Peace of mind is precious, indeed.
(My lips are sealed about those covers. But I really appreciate being included!)
the colors of the tavernier stones are the colors in my living room!
diana mack
The cover that I think is dramatic and u nique is Diamonds For the Dead. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Knock Knock
Who's There
Honey Bee
Honey Bee Who
Honey Bee a dear and get me a soda. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Plum Blossoms in Paris is appealing. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com
Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Cows Go.
Cows Go Who.
No Cows Go Moo. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm going to vote on Erica's cover but just because I'm imagining the tie is Brendan's and the legs are mine (yeah, I think one of my toes is as thin as one of her legs...)
Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Arthur who?
Arthur any more cookies?
Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Interrupting Cow?
Interrupting Co...
They are all beautiful covers but I love the Moonlight Secrets one.
knock knock
who's there
Sadie who
Sadie Pledge of Allegiance
I'm adding knock-knock jokes to my collection! Thanks everybody!
Hey, doll. (and Stephen; are you still around?) I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've posted about this over at Win a Book for ya.
I like the cover for Diamonds For The Dead. It just makes me want to ask lots of questions.
thank you,
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Panther who?
Your pant(h)s are falling down
Without a doubt the cover for Fruedian Slip is hot!
I like the cover for The Summer of Moonlight Secrets.
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Doris, who?
Doris locked, that's why I had to knock!
The cover I like the most is The Summer of Moonlight Secrets but they are all striking.
Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Canoe who?
Canoe you lend me some money?
I like the tavernier stones cover the best.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I really like the cover of The Summer of Moonlight Secrets~
I like Diamonds For the Dead.
mittens0831 at aol dot com
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Olivia who?
Olivia get out my house!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I like the cover for The Summer of Moonlight Secrets
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Awesome interview. Steve. I'm really jealous of your trailer.
I like the cover of The Summer of Moonlight Secrets best.
eswright18 at gmail.com
Since my son's name is Keith, this is his favorite knock knock joke.
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Keith, who?
Keith me, thweet heart!
eswright18 at gmail.com
The "Plum Blossoms in Paris" cover is my favorite.
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Botany who?
Botany good books lately?
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I like Plum Blossoms in Paris cover best!
Knock Knock joke from Hawaii:
Knock, Knock!
Who's there?
Hawaii who?
I'm fine. Hawaii you?
My favorite cover is Diamonds for the Dead.
My favorite cover is The Summer of Moonlight Secrets. It's gorgeous!
Knock knock:
Who's there?
I didn't know you could yodel!
Corny, I know. ;)
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