Loup Garron is born in Santa Olivia, on the feast day of the town's patron saint. Her father was one of the lucky ones - he managed to get out (they think). Her mother? Not so much. As for Loup, she's special. She's fast. Strong. Doesn't feel pain. She has to learn to pretend to be normal, to protect herself from the townspeople and the military.
The only hope most residents have of getting out of Santa Olivia, revolve around the ring. As in winning a match against the military's champion fighter. Loup's big brother Tommy is going to try, so he can get them both out of there. Thing is, nobody's won. Ever.
When things work out as they will, Loup finds herself with a ragtag group of orphans cared for by the church. And they start meting out justice, sparingly, Santa Olivia style...
Santa Olivia is a very good read. I personally didn't think it was quite on par with Carey's Kushiel series. However, the characters are drawn well, the storyline interesting, and the plot believable (hey! I read fantasy!). It comes out in a week or so - check it out!
Title: Santa Olivia
Author: Jacqueline Carey
ISBN-10: 044619817X
ISBN-13: 978-0446198172
Paperback: 341 pages (ARC)
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, May 2009
I haven't read any of her books but I saw two of her Kushiel books and wasn't sure whether they were good or not. I'm glad you mentioned them and you liked them so now I'll for Carey's books more actively.
This sounds good. Must check it out!
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The book sounds good.
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