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Comment for a Cause (two, actually)...

October 3, 2009
comments for a causeDid you ever wish that whatever you said would make an impact? I sometimes do... And now you can. Well, not quite "say", exactly. More like "type"...

During the month of October--that's the 1st through the 31st, ladies and gents--Heather over at Singing with My Heart is supporting two very worthy causes by donating .25 cents for every comment you leave (over there, please, not here). She has a limit, but it's very generous, and we can absolutely help get the word out, can we not?

But first, I imagine you'd want to know what you're supporting... October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is ALSO National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. And Heather's Comments for a Cause supports both.

A huge THANK YOU to Rebecca at Provocation of Mine(d) for pointing me in Heather's direction. Breast cancer is something that many women I know--among family, friends, and coworkers--have fought. Some won. Some lost. But all have been affected.

As for domestic violence... A few years ago, a college friend of mine was killed by her husband, in her living room, while their two children were asleep upstairs, because she asked for a divorce. He beat her, smashed her head against the kitchen countertop and cabinets. Then left her lying on the living room floor, covered with a blanket. The next morning he walked the kids past their mom--on their way to school--telling them that she was asleep. Today, two children are without parents. And they know why.

So please. Take a minute or two and head over to Heather's Comments for a Cause. And leave a comment. Or two. Let her know if you're tweeting her post by adding #commentsforacause.

Thank you.

Update: To show my support for these two causes, I am adding another $100 to Heather's pool. So go comment.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Thanks a million for this drey. Rebecca and Heather are both wonderful friends of mine as well. (Hugs)Indigo

Bingo said...

Well said, well done, Drey! Thanks for letting us know!

drey said...

Indigo ~ I was only "introduced" to Heather this evening. I love what she's doing for these causes.

Karen ~ Thank you!

Rebecca Anne said...

Drey, I saw your comment over there and it was awesome to see it, and see your entry. My Heart is bursting right now. Thank you SOO much!!!

Suzanne Yester said...

Thanks Drey for letting us all know! Both are very worthy causes! And I'm going over there right now...


drey said...

Rebecca, THANK YOU for showing the way. And Suzanne, I saw your comment over at Heather's. Thank you for taking the time.

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