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Review & Giveaway: 137. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern...

October 3, 2011
I was soooooooooooo excited at the opportunity to review Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, which has been showing up all over the blogosphere! 

the night circus
Title: The Night Circus
Author: Erin Morgenstern
ISBN-13: 9780385534635
Hardcover: 387 pages
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Doubleday

drey's thoughts:
Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus is fun and charming, with a dash of mystery. At its heart are two young people who've been set up as competitors in a game where there are few rules and only one winner. Their playing field is a mysterious circus that appears and disappears on an irregular schedule, filled with spectacular performances to thrill your senses.

The story started in spurts, which along with the short chapters confused me until I started getting the flow of it.  Eventually though, everything tied together nicely, and you really appreciate this enchanting masterpiece.

The cast of characters are varied and unique. I loved Celia, and wished for a better childhood for her. I didn't care for her father at all--what kind of (insert not-so-nice word here) would set his own daughter up for something like this? Marco is a bit more mysterious than Celia--we know nothing other than his selection, his learning magic, and his eventual job with the "proprietor" of the circus, Christopher Lefevre. He knows Celia the moment he meets her, though she has no idea that he's her competitor. I'm surprised he didn't take advantage of that knowledge, but that's the kind of guy he is. We can't have Celia falling for a jerk, after all...

I really enjoyed The Night Circus, and will probably re-read it if I can find the time--just to see if I'd missed anything in the original reading...

drey's rating: Excellent! The Night Circus is all it's cracked up to be, even though it took me a little while to get engrossed in it.

Have you read The Night Circus? What did you think? And if you haven't, c'mon and enter to win a copy!

Thanks to the publisher, I have TWO copies of The Night Circus for you! This one's for US residents only (sorry!), no PO Boxes please. To enter, fill out the form below by October 16th. Good luck!

Some fun stuff:
Erin Morgenstern on facebook
A Wall Street Journal interview with Erin
Erin on NPR (along with an excerpt)


bermudaonion said...

You're not the first person to say this book starts out slow. I can't wait to read it.

mamabunny13 said...

I'm looking forward to reading this book!

Denise Z said...

Thank you for the fun giveaway opportunity. The Night Circus has been on my wishlist for a while now and I would love to read it.

holdenj said...

Oh Drey, I think I'm as excited as you sound! I've been reading great things about this one too, and can't wait to read it! Thanks!

drey said...

Kathy, I'm glad--wouldn't want to be the crazy lady on the blogosphere! :P

Julia, you're the best. Sometimes it's hard to not be excited about a book, isn't it?

Good luck, y'all!

drey said...

you're welcome! :)

Bethany (youngbooklove) said...

I've read a bunch of reviews on the Night Circus, mostly good ones! I'd love to see for myself what all the hype is about. Thanks for hosting!
Bethany (youngbooklove)

Unknown said...

I've seen some really fantastic reviews for this book and then I've seen a couple who were eh about it, so I'm curious and curiouser myself. Also, a total new fan and potential stalker of your lovely blog. Thank you, for this generous giveaway! :)

Suz @ A Soul Unsung

drey said...

Good luck, Bethany & Suz! :) (& I love fans and potential stalkers!)

Christine A. said...

This book sounds great and I can't wait to read it. Thnks for the giveaway.

your1chef at aol dot com

Eesti said...

This is one of the most anticipated books of the year- its author received a pretty massive advance from Doubleday and the rights to the movie adaptation have already been purchased by the makers of Twilight (EEK). I generally am wary of hype and am nearly always wary of novels about the circus. But the cover on this one was too great to resist!

Espana said...

I have been fond of imagining how circuses look like in the past decades compared to our new ones nowadays and this book with its added taste of highly dynamic characters is a sin for every fantasy reader!

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