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76. Royal Blood by Rona Sharon...

May 17, 2009
First off, let me say that I LOVED the cover of this book, and couldn't wait to read it when it showed up on my doorstep! I took it with me (along with 7 others) on my 2-week jaunt (hah!) to Oxford, England, and finally (!) read it. I mean, seriously. Where better to read a novel of Tudor England, than in England?  =)

Michael Devereaux is sent by his patron and foster-father, the Earl of Tyrone, to the court of King Henry to win accolades and recognition at the games of the annual Order of the Garter.

Princess Renee de Valois has disgraced herself in the French courts, and is sent to the Tudor court on a mission. And she must succeed, if she is to retain her mother's inheritance.

They meet (of course!) at King Henry's court, and must decide if they should help each other attain their goals. The larger question? Can they trust each other? In the end, it turns out that they're both after the same thing. Lots of plotting in this one, but it's not so convoluted that you would be confused. However, it was a tad verbose, in my opinion. In the last quarter of the book, a huge whomper gets dropped in your lap - if you hadn't already suspected, or guessed. All in all, a good read.

Title: Royal Blood
Author: Rona Sharon
ISBN-10: 0-7582-2858-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-7582-2858-1
Paperback: 488 pages
Publisher: Kensington, 2009


Mari said...

I have this one waiting to be read. Thanks for the review. :)

Darlene said...

Glad to hear you liked it Drey. It's coming up soon for me.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

That IS a good cover. You're right.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about the cover! Loved it! How perfect you were in England while reading it. I thought the book wasn't bad and I was surprised about the whomper since the cover info gives no clue whatsoever.

The Book Resort said...

This is is gonna be some read.

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