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Earth Day giveaway WINNERS!!

May 1, 2009
PhotobucketIt's my favorite time on the blog - time to announce winnners!! SO. If you entered my Hachette-sponsored Earth Day giveaway, pay attention! *grin*

Out of 192 total entries (you guys are FABULOUS for entering, and sharing!!), the following 5 were picked by Randomizer to receive the 6-pack of books:

gary paul!!

Congratulations, everyone! PLEASE get me your mailing info by 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 5th, or Randomizer will have to find another winner.

Didn't win but want the books? Click on the links to purchase your very own copies from Amazon:
  1. Harvest for Hope by Jane Goodall, Gary McAvoy, Gail Hudson
  2. The Rural Life by Verlyn Klinkenborg
  3. Is it Just Me or is Everything Shit? by Steve Lowe, Alan McArthur, Brendan Hay
  4. Starbucked by Taylor Clark
  5. Garbage Land by Elizabeth Royte
  6. The Gift of Nothing by Patrick McDonnell

Don't forget to check out my other giveaways - links are at the top of the right sidebar.


The Book Resort said...

Way to go!!! Congratulations to all the ucky ducks = }.

drey said...

lol, the "ucky ducks"? =P

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners, enjoy your books. Have a great weekend. :)

Bingo said...

And my favorite bunny gave out the news! Good for you, winners, Sad face for me! Ah, well,maybe next time for me! Happy May DAY!

KR said...

Hey...I'm a ucky duck!!


taterbug said...

I received this great group of books today and I am in 'hog heaven'. Plus, a great book for the grandkids too! Thank you so much. Family members already trying to take them from me before I even read them.

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