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Birthday bash - day 8! Eric Barnes shares guilty pleasures...

June 17, 2009
birthday bashToday's guest is Eric Barnes, author of the soon-to-be-published novel, Shimmer! Read on to see what he has to say about guilty pleasures (not his! psych!)...

eric barnes
When I was writing Shimmer, I wanted to find a way for Robbie Case, the main character who has led his company into a Ponzi scheme, to be almost entirely without vices. Self-indulgence, I thought, would distract from the fraud, from the moral and ethical quandary of the choices Robbie makes. I wanted the novel to stay focused on the rational, methodical decisions Robbie has made. It wasn’t interesting, to me, to write about someone who not only lied his way into the situation, but a person who enjoyed it, who wildly spent the money he made, who lived a life of pleasure and decadence, who didn’t care about the risks he was taking or the risks he’d imposed on everyone around him..

Yet that made Robbie just a little bit unreal. Because everyone has their vices.

And so Robbie has two secret, guilty desires. Prostitutes. And gin.

I did not do drugs. I did not gamble, did not even spend the money I was paid. This was my vice, dark music and gin, a woman escorted to me by my bodyguard.

Robbie’s vices couldn’t compete or distract from the choices he makes by day, running the company. They couldn’t be an excuse. A crutch or reason for what he does. And so I knew that the prostitutes in Shimmer had to be fundamentally unreal, willing and faceless and nonpersons completely. At least they are at first, at the start of the novel. By the end they are real. They are people. And they begin to represent something very bad to and about Robbie.

But what would Robbie drink? It had to be gin. Clear, cold gin. Not a martini, not a gin and tonic. Just a glass of gin.

I’m drinking it now, while writing this post in honor of Drey’s birthday. I don’t drink gin often. There’s a certain danger in it for me. I’ll drink a bit too much of it. Drink it a bit too fast. Strange things will happen then. Not always bad, and not always good. But strange.

The kids are playing downstairs. Elizabeth’s making dinner. I can see the neighbors tending to their yard. But there’s gin in a glass near me and Portishead on the stereo. Strange things could happen. Half a glass and, really, I can’t help but think it’s possible.

For Robbie, it was the same. His late at night wanderings through the upper floors of the company are very often accompanied by a glass of gin. An outlet. An elixir. A simple pleasure in the fray of all that he’s caused to happen. And strange things did happen for him. Not every night. But most.

Happy Birthday, Drey.
Awwwww! Thanks, Eric!!  & doesn't his post just make you want to pick up Shimmer, like, NOW??  *grin*  You can find Eric online at his website,

Thanks to Unbridled Books, I have one ARC copy of Shimmer on the block, so step on up! This goes only to mailing addresses in the U.S. (sorry!), and ends 6:00 p.m. CST June 24th--so hurry on up!  

To enter, comment and share a guilty pleasure...  Mine? Dark chocolate.  If it comes wrapped around a really really good cheesecake? Even better. Relatively harmless, except to my arteries, lol!

As always, +1 for following, +2 for sharing! Good luck!


bermudaonion said...

You've scored some great guest posts this week! (Don't enter me - I have the book already.)

Libby's Library said...

Oh please - send me the recipe, or where I can buy this - or heck, just send me a slice!!!!
Chocolate, Cheesecake - Chocolate Cheesecake - HEAVEN!!!!!

Some good chocolate, a good book - and devouring them both while in my spa tub...a "not so guilty" pleasure that I love!


Libby's Library said...

I follow - thanks (typed while eating chocolate for breakfast;-)


Anonymous said...

My guilty pleasure is sneaking away from the madness in my house to the park, it's the only way I can get in some good reading time.


Anonymous said...

You don't have to enter me, as I don't engage in either prostitutes or gin, but just stopping by to say I enjoyed the interview all the same! (And why DON'T guys write books about chocolate?!!!)

Karen H said...

My secret pleasure is a box of DeBrands Gourmet chocolates followed closely by a bar of Ryba's Mackinac Island Fudge! Can you tell I'm a chocoholic!


Karen H said...

+1 I'm a follower


Lisanne624 said...

My guilty pleasure is watching those "true crime" shows on ID, We, TruTV, etc. My husband will come in, roll his eyes, and exclaim, "Not another murder show!" I can't help it, I love it when they catch the bad guys for real!!

TexasRed said...

Sounds like a very interesting book -- inside the motivations of the frauds we're seeing discovered.

My vice is romance novels -- I can usually finish one in one sitting.

housemouse88 said...

My guilty pleasure are my books which goes along with my chocolate. Have a great day. I'm a follower.

house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I like Eric!

My vice... yeah. Like I'd tell YOU, drey? You'd lord it over me until the end of time.

Besides, as much as I'd like to read this, don't enter me. You know of my small book problem!

So... thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.

Anonymous said...

drey! How's my Gemini sister? My birthday /sucked/ - strep throat for the second time (first time was on Mother's Day) - so my guilty pleasure was letting my mommy buy me an iPhone and then curling up with virtual Mancala.

I think I need to read this book, though - will you enter me? Obviously I'm a follower! Sorry I haven't been around for the bash much - this sickness (Bug has had it TWICE, Bear has been the carrier, Mr. Aerin was in critical condition) has been kicking my ass.

Dixie said...

My guilty pleasure is watching those housewife reality shows-I just get a perverse pleasure from all their little dramas. I would never admit to watching that stuff...oh wait, I just did.:-D


Dixie said...

I follow!

Dixie said...

shared on twitter.


Minding Spot said...

Guilty pleasure? bubble bath, no kids, and a glass of Bailey's on ice. Nope, doesn't happen too often.

Please enter me :)

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

Carol M said...

My guilty pleasure are books, chocolate and pumpkin pie! I love to watch House, too! :)
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

scottsgal said...

My guilty pleasure is walking out my backyard into my in ground pool - floating on my raft with a good book - ah heaven. I'd love to read this
msboatgal at

scottsgal said...

Already a follower
msboatgal at

nfmgirl said...

This is great post! My guilty pleasure would also have to be dark chocolate. The ultimate sinfulness is the BonBon cake at Coconuts down on the river. Oooooh so good!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

KR said...

My guilty pleasure is reading!


throuthehaze said...

my guilty pleasure is Lindt Milk Chocolate truffles..i can eat a whole bag in one sitting
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Bingo said...


Marie said...

My guilty pleasures -- chocolate, books and sleeping late (which I never get to do anymore with kids, but I dream of doing it again someday!).

Valorie said...

Mine is taking long, hot baths with a book.


I follow.


Anonymous said...

Book sounds interesting....
Guilty pleasure?? Drinking a cup of hot coffee, reading a good book while eating a cold Milky Way candy bar right out of the refrigerator.

I follow too.


mazonsquilting @ certainty dot net

Unknown said...

Hi Drey!

My guilty pleasure is reading. I know I should be doing other things, but the books call to me and I'm gone!

Dottie :)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

Dottie :)

Kat Bryan said...

my guilty pleasure is staying up half the night reading.

I'm a follower.

Terri said...

My guilty pleasure is blowing off everything for a really good book!

I'm a follower...

nfmgirl said...

I blogged it:

CherylS22 said...

My guilty pleasure - FritoLay's Cheddar & Sour Cream Ruffles!


CherylS22 said...

I follow.


L said...

My guilty pleasure is white chocolate.


L said...

I'm a follower.


Icedream said...

My guilty pleasure is chocolate lava cake with a scoop of vanilla icecream.

waitmantwillie AT hotmail DOT com

Icedream said...

I am a follower.

waitmantwillie AT hotmail DOT com


take cherry, put something gooy around it, and encase the whole thing in dark chocolate and i am in heaven!! once, when i was a kid, my sister and i found double boxes on sale...a really, really good sale! we ate until there were almost gone and we were a bit past sassiation before we quit. there was no way we could eat one or two and spread them out. the next day we finished me off...can you imagine have a double box all to yourself???? heaven


spvaughan another book from birthday bash!


spvaughan @ yahoo dot com

lingeorge said...

Guilty pleasure? Drambuie over vanilla ice cream, yummmm.

I follow

Anonymous said...

chocolate is my guilty pleasure.


Anonymous said...

I am a follower.


lisa said...

Deat by Chocolate - a combination of dark chocolate cake, chocolate pudding made with cream and Skor or Heath bars, all left to incubate in the refrig overnight so that the cake absorbs the moiiture from the puddding- definitely high calorie.

sharon54220 said...

If I can still get in, please enter me.

sharon54220 said...

I am a subscriber.

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