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141. This One is Mine by Maria Semple...

August 28, 2009
this one is mine
About the book:
Violet Parry is living the quintessential life of luxury in the Hollywood Hills with David, her rock-and-roll manager husband, and her darling toddler, Dot. She has the perfect life—except that she's deeply unhappy. David expects the world of Violet but gives little of himself in return. When she meets Teddy, a roguish small-time bass player, Violet comes alive, and soon she's risking everything for the chance to find herself again.

Also in the picture are David's hilariously high-strung sister, Sally, on the prowl for a successful husband, and Jeremy, the ESPN sportscaster savant who falls into her trap. For all their recklessness, Violet and Sally will discover that David and Jeremy have a few surprises of their own. THIS ONE IS MINE is a compassionate and wickedly funny satire about our need for more—-and the often disastrous choices we make in the name of happiness.

drey's thoughts:
Oh, Violet. Violet is having an identity crisis. She was a somebody, now she's a stay-at-home mom and general greaser-of-wheels so that the Violet and David show keeps moving. Caught in the rut of day-to-day living, even being filthy rich doesn't make your day any more fulfilling. Who cares what you're wearing, where you get groceries, who you lunch with? It's the pursuit of happiness that drives, not the pursuit of taking-care-of-the-mundane. And for Violet, it's not enough. And she doesn't know how to make it enough, how to get back to being happy with her life.

Meeting Teddy brings a little of the ooh-I-met-someone-interesting feeling. And Violet has to decide if the thrill is worth risking everything she's built with David.

While this is a story about Violet, it is also a story of Sally, David's sister. She's single, and trying very hard to change that. Setting her sights on Jeremy, she does everything she can to "catch" him. Even when she isn't so sure what to make of his quirky traits. And all while she is trying to hide her health issues from him.

This One is Mine is ultimately a story about what it means to be loved, and more importantly, to love. About what you give up for it. And what you gain when you are absolutely honest--about yourselves. A beautiful story from Maria Semple--thank you for my review copy.

Title: This One is Mine
Author: Maria Semple
ISBN-10: 031603116X
ISBN-13: 9780316031165
Hardcover: 289 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company, 2008


bermudaonion said...

As I read this book, it was hard for me to believe people live that way. I've obviously led a very sheltered life. Great review.

Bingo said...

OOH! I want to read it more for the wish list TBR pile! Thanks for the good review, Drey!

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