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Some catching up to do...

August 2, 2009
June was a crazy month here on drey's library--I had 55 (!!) posts, holy wow. So I kinda let some things slip. =( July was spent catching up on some of the other stuff I let slip in June, and here I am, looking at August. *sigh* Where did the time go??

Anyway, I would like to apologize to the lovely ladies who so very kindly sent some awards my way, for my absolutely inexcusable tardiness in showing my heartfelt appreciation. I love y'all, and I promise to try to be more on the ball. So, without further ado, here we go... First up!

Karen at Bookin' with Bingo created a wonderful new award--BINGO's Beautiful Blog Award. She somehow thinks I'm O-utstanding, and I'm totally flabbergasted & touched...

bingo's award buttonBINGO's Beautiful Blog Award description:
This "B-I-N-G-O" BEAUTIFUL BLOG AWARD means that this blog is...
B: Beautiful
I: Informative
N: Neighborly
G: Gorgeous
O: Outstanding

Please look carefully at as many blogs as you can to find the top FIVE blogs that YOU think also exemplify these standards and pass it along to them. Please don't break this chain of FIVE! If you are someone who doesn't want awards or doesn't pass them on, please tell the person who is giving it so they can share it with someone who would want it. Thank you.

Also, link your award to the person who gave it to you so when people link on the person's name or blog name, it will take them there to see that person's BINGO-RIFFIC BLOG.

How can I not?? So, after lots & lots of thinking & noodling (there's lots of you out there!!), here are my 5 picks:

Beautiful - I absolutely love the redesign at Debbie's World of Books, it's so classy and elegant...

Informative - Prior to blogging, I don't think YA was a genre that popped up with any frequency on my reading list... But now I've dipped my toe into that pond, I love Steph's posts at Reviewer X. Between her & Lenore, my want-to-read pile is steadily growing. Thanks. (seriously, thanks!)

Neighborly - I heart Aerin of In Search of Giants. She's been helpful in so many ways, I don't think I can say "thank you" enough. And if you've never swung by, you don't know what you're missing. So go. =)

Gorgeous - I can't help it. I have to give this to J.Kaye of J.Kaye's Book Blog. Not only is she totally active in blogging, she makes time for new bloggers, too--as evidenced by A Book Blogger's New Discovery, a weekly meme hosted by J.Kaye. J.Kaye is simply gorgeous in spirit and outlook (and most likely in person, too, but I can't say--we've never met IRL!).

Outstanding - I love Book Dads. Love the idea. Love the presentation. Love that they cover adult as well as children's books. I don't comment much there, but that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention!

THANK YOU, Karen, for such a lovely award to pass on!


bermudaonion said...

Congratulations on your lovely award!

Serena said...

Congrats on the award and those are some great blogs you've passed it along to. Wonderful.

Libby's Library said...

An Award from "Bingo" in really something to brag about!

Steven (Book Dads) said...

Wow, thanks Drey! We really appreciate that!

We're off on Cape Cod enjoying a vacation right now, so I'll take a closer look at it later :-)

Bingo said...

Thank you and good job, Drey...that is why you are OUTSTANDING among other put real thought into passing it on....that means a lot to me...enjoy and congrats as you surely deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and OMG, thank you! You totally blown me away with this mention. I agree with Bingo. You are so deserving of this award!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Congrats on your award... and I agree totally with those you passed it onto.

kalea_kane said...

Congratulations on your award! YOU definitely deserve it. You have a very OUTSTANDING blog!

Park Avenue Princess said...

Congratulations Drey!

I just found you via J.Kaye! And I'm SO glad I did! I hope you'll come visit me as well!

xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

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