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Giveaway: The Smart One and the Pretty One by Claire LaZebnik...

September 7, 2009
Today's giveaway is for a fun-looking book, Claire LaZebnik's The Smart One and the Pretty One...
About the book:
When Ava Nickerson was a child, her mother jokingly betrothed her to a friend's son, and the contract the parents made has stayed safely buried for years. Now that still-single Ava is closing in on thirty, no one even remembers she was once "engaged" to the Markowitz boy. But when their mother is diagnosed with cancer, Ava's prodigal little sister Lauren comes home to Los Angeles where she stumbles across the decades-old document.

Frustrated and embarrassed by Ava's constant lectures about financial responsibility (all because she's in a little debt. Okay, a lot of debt), Lauren decides to do some sisterly interfering of her own and tracks down her sister's childhood fiancé. When she finds him, the highly inappropriate, twice-divorced, but incredibly charming Russell Markowitz is all too happy to re-enter the Nickerson sisters' lives, and always-accountable Ava is forced to consider just how binding a contract really is . . .

Read an excerpt:

Thanks to Hachette Book Group, I have up to five copies of The Smart One and the Pretty One for you...
-- Contest is open to US and Canada residents, no PO Boxes please!
-- To enter, comment and share: Which do you prefer in others, and which are you: Smart, Pretty, or Both?
-- Follow for 1 extra entry.
-- Share for 2 extra entries (let me know what & where, please).
-- Every 10 people entered gets another copy in the hat, so tell everyone! =)
-- Do it all before 6:00 pm CST September 20th. Good luck!


rhapsodyinbooks said...

I'm the smart one (only on a comparison basis!) (but would rather be both!) but I also would prefer the smart one in others!

Please enter me!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I am a email subscriber and would like to win this book.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

chey said...

I'd rather to smart and I'd rather others be smart.

Please enter me.

I'm a subscriber

chey127 at homeail dot com

Debs Desk said...

I prefer smart. Please include me in your giveaway.

Debs Desk said...

I am a follower.

bermudaonion said...

I prefer smart. I don't think I'm either. Please throw my name into the hat! I subscribe in Google Reader. milou2ster(at)

Anonymous said...

I would hope to be 'smart' and for others to be the same.

karen k

dor said...

I prefer someone just to be nice and sincere. If you see that inner see their beauty. Everyone is smart..just about different things. Just my thought. So I like all, cause there is all of that in each person.

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower :)

karen k

dor said...

I follow.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Virginia C said...

Pretty serves its own purpose, but smart is its own reward. Sometimes, I am "pretty smart" :)
I am a Google follower.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I like to think I'm both, smart and pretty. In others, I prefer smart, easier to relate to. Pretty, by itself, has limited advantages.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.


M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

I prefer SMART anyday :)

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

And I happily follow on Google :)

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

OH, also - for which one are you:

Well, as much as I'd LIKE to think I am both smart and pretty, since I've hit my 50's I'll have to be content with SMART lol

(although my bf still thinks I'm kinda cute but he is a sweetie who's too kind to tell the truth)

DarcyO said...

I prefer smart in others and since I'm not pretty, that leaves me as smart too. How's that for logic?

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Anonymous said...

I prefer Smart and funny in others, and me, IDK, I'll go with smart.

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower


Jo-Jo said...

I prefer smart people myself, and hope I fit into that category!

I'm also a follower.

joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I guess I perfer smart people (in all reality though I dont judge people based on how prettiness or smarts or anything like that) and I dont know if I consider myself either of them lol, I guess I'd lean more on the smart side! Thanks for the chance to read this book.


Unknown said...

I'm a follower thanks.


clenna said...

Wel, I wish i were both but I'm only smart. Dang!

KR said...

I prefer a combination in others but I'm only smart...sigh


KR said...

I follow


afineday said...

I prefer smart, but love a sense of humor, and this book looks humourous! Thanks for the giveaway!

brc668 (at) gmail (dot) com

Lisanne624 said...

I'm the smart one, and I like other smart ones, too!

I'm a follower!

lahlstedt (at) gmail (dot) com

housemouse88 said...

I'm the smart one not the pretty one. I like others to be smart as well. Please enter me.

house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

housemouse88 said...

I'm a follower.

house_moues88 at yahoo dot com

Eleni said...

Please enter me, I'm an old follower :)


Unknown said...

I am smart on the outside and pretty on the inside, great book! Thanks for the contest.

rubynreba said...

I prefer smart - and I guess if I had to pick what I am I would say smart.

rubynreba said...

I am a follower

Pam said...

I've always been the "smart" one but that's honestly what I want in others too. Dumb people, no matter how beautiful, annoy me.

I'm following you too.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Nancye said...

I prefer smart. Beauty is skin deep, brains are forever!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...

subscibe via email

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Allison said...

I think I'm a little bit of both depending on A)the topic of conversation and B)If I'm wearing makeup haha.

I follow via google and thanks for the giveaway!

allygotts567 at hotmail dot com

traveler said...

Thanks for this great giveaway. I am not pretty but consider myself intelligent and prefer kind, sincere individuals. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I'm too humble (haha) to say whether I'm smart or pretty so I'll just pretend and say both!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Melanie said...

Looks like a fun book. I'm the smart one. I like to hang out with the pretty one so she will help me with my look :)

Natalie A. said...

I think both is nice to have, but it doesn't matter! It's hard to say what I am, but I'll go with Both! lol

Natalie A. said...

I shared on Twitter! 1

Natalie A. said...

I shared on Twitter! 2

Unknown said...

Well, I've always been the smart one and I don't care how intelligent or pretty someone is - as long as they are nice!


Lee P said...

I consider myself to be pretty and smart and I definitely look for intelligence in others. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.


Lee P said...

Tweet #1:


Lee P said...

Tweet #2:


enyl said...

I prefer smart to pretty.
I'm reasonably intelligent and average lookin

enyl said...

I'm a subscriber.

enyl said...

I'm a follower

throuthehaze said...

I'm smart and that's how I prefer others.

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

lag123 said...


furygirl3132 said...

I prefer smart. I consider myself pretty smart and it's good to relate to that in others as well. Thanks so much for such a great giveaway, this looks like a great read!


furygirl3132 said...

I am a follower (furygirl3132)


Simply Stacie said...

I'd prefer to be smart and I like smart people too!

simplystacieblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Simply Stacie said...

I follow.

simplystacieblog (at) gmail (dot) com

Karin said...

I'd rather talk to a smart person. I am definitely more smart than pretty. I wish I was good looking though!

karin56381 (at)

Sara said...

I am the smart one but I have always wondered what it would be like to be the pretty one....for a day! I look for the smart side in others. Thanks!

annies home said...

I am a bit of both I feel and that is what I always look for in a person brains nor looks will do all for someone.

annies home said...


Nicole said...

Which do you prefer in others, and which are you: Smart, Pretty, or Both?
I would prefer both, but if I had to choose: smart.
I would like to think I'm both.

+1 follower

Anonymous said...

Well, I would prefer to be both, but I lean to the smart side (oh, well) and I prefer to have conversations with smart people. I have always heard that you can't judge a book by it's cover, and that goes for people as well.

I am an email subscriber.


Anonymous said...

I try not make judgements, I would not like to be in turn... I fall on the smart side, but I love being around all people (smart or pretty or both).

Aliya D.

Beth (BBRB) said...

Smart or smart and pretty, pretty alone isn't usually a good thing.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Beth (BBRB) said...

I'm a follower.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

heatherzilla said...

I prefer smart.

+1 follower

Belinda M said...

I prefer smart over pretty in others. I think I am both smart and pretty

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Icedream said...

I prefer smart over pretty but both is nice. I consider myself more smart than pretty but enough of both to be happy with myself.

+1 follow
+2 blogged about this at:

Thanks for the chance.
waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

Sue said...

I prefer smart, but I'd love a little more pretty on me...
Thanks for sharing this one!

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

To answer your question, I'm the smart one. I prefer that others are smart than pretty. I also think that being pretty or beautiful is in the eye of the beholder, so someone who appears to be beautiful until you get to know their personality and it's rotten, then of course they're not pretty to you. So I don't really tend to go on physical prettiness.

I'm a follower.

I posted the link to this on my sidebar under 'Contests'

Karen H said...

I a smart one and I prefer smart in others.

+1 I am a follower

kkhaas AT bellsouth DOT net

Misusedinnocence said...

I see beauty in everyone, but intelligence is sometimes harder to find. :) So I prefer smarts, and am probably more smart then pretty.

Mitzi H. said...

I wish I could say both, but I think I have to settle for smart.

I'm a new follower.

mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

I like to say both but I'm probably more or The Smart One=)
+1 I follow
Luvdaylilies at Bellsouth dot net

booklover0226 said...

Well, since I'm an only child, I must be both!

I'm a follower though Blogspot, Google, and Twitter.


booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com

plb8156 said...

I am a follower

plb8156 said...

I tweeted

plb8156 said...

I'm gonna have to say over time I prefer the smart ones but pretty is always nice :)

Nancye said...

I prefer smart over pretty.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Nancye said...


nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

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