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Review: 140. The Taming of the Wolf by Lydia Dare...

November 12, 2010
The Taming of the Wolf is my first Lydia Dare... What took me so long?

taming of the wolf
Title: The Taming of the Wolf
Author: Lydia Dare
ISBN-13: 9781402244377
ARC: 373 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Sourcebooks

drey's thoughts:
A note to Dashiel Thorpe, Earl of Brimsworth:
Dear Sir -

It might be a good idea to not be such a controlling, scowling, boor, especially when you're around the lady you're trying to convince to marry you. Forgive my impertinence, but that's a surefire way to drive her far far away, as fast as she can go...

Then again, maybe expecting the Earl to be anything but what he is, when his own perception of himself is so skewed, is too lofty a goal. At least, until Caitrin Macleod comes into the picture.

This one's got all the right portions of chemistry, dialogue, and plot. If you like werewolves with your romances, then add this to your fall/winter reading pile.

drey's rating: 3.5/5 Very Good

Challenges: 100+, Pub


Lydia Dare said...

LOL, Drey! I will be sure to pass your note on to Lord Brimsworth. We'll see if he pays you any more attention thatn he pays to me. :)

drey said...

Hello Lydia! Men! They never pay attention to us, do they? Especially when we're right... ;) Thanks for the comment!

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