Author: Jasper Fforde
ISBN-13: 9780670022526
ARC: 359 pages
Publisher: Viking Penguin, 2011
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Penguin Group
drey's thoughts:
I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked this up, and I'll admit I was a bit lost in the first few chapters... And then it all started to click. And when I say "all", I mean "ALL" because there's a LOT of stuff here!
Character: One of the things that'll confuse you if you've never read this series before is, there are multiple Thursdays. The character, not the day of the week. Thursday Next is one of the more famous literary characters inhabiting BookWorld (when she's not in RealWorld, that is). They live in a world demarcated by literary genre, and act out their scenes when a reader picks up their book and starts reading. Thursday's series was so popular that she has versions--namely written Thursday (who only exists in BookWorld), and the latest stand-in, Scarlett. Written Thursday is the one featured most prominently in One of Our Thursdays is Missing--when the original Thursday goes missing, Written is the only one who seems to care enough to attempt to find out what happened. Assisted by a robot-butler named Sprockett, Thursday tries to be wily about looking for the real Thursday, especially when she figures out that there are characters who are very interested in not having the real Thursday found. Rounding out the cast of characters are a talking penguin, a Mrs. Malaprop, and a romantic interest (not from her book).
Pace & Plot: One of Our Thursdays is Missing has a very basic plot at its heart--the search for the missing Thursday. But the journey you go on is anything but basic, and is a pretty quick action read--even if there were a few slow (and irrelevant?) spots on the way to the finish line.
drey's rating: 3/5 Good: Perfect for those who love satire and wit coupled with a rollicking adventure in between the covers!
Have you read Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series? What did you think?
OMG - I can't even imagine reading this without reading the books before first. Get thee to The Eyre Affair posthaste!
I've read one Thursday Next book years ago and liked it, but didn't love it as much as the person who pushed the book on me. I think I struggled with all the Thursdays.
This is a series that I've really been wanting to read but haven't gotten around to starting. Sounds like fun!
lol Lenore! I'll have to get that added to my TBR pile... :)
Kathy - All those Thursdays do get confusing, but the book itself is still fun.
I kind of agree with Lenore, I think it would be hard to jump into Fforde mid-series! That said, I can't believe you got to read this already! I can't wait. We really savor new Jasper Fforde titles around here and are trying to decide if we should go ahead and order his newish YA novel, which takes 3 to 4 wks from UK.
I also recommend his other two adult series as well.
holdenj - do you want my ARC? The cover's got a little split on the front (not a tear, but there's a plastic layer that's peeling along the bottom)... Email me.
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