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Review & Giveaway: 37. To Defy a King by Elizabeth Chadwick...

March 22, 2011
I loved Elizabeth Chadwick's The Scarlet Lion and For the King's Favor, so when offered the chance to read To Defy a King, I jumped! *grin*

to defy a king
Title: To Defy a King
Author: Elizabeth Chadwick
ISBN-13: 9781402250897
ARC: 498 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc., 2011
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Sourcebooks

drey's thoughts:
Mahelt Marshal is the third child and oldest daughter of one of the most powerful men in England, William Marshal. Betrothed to Hugh Bigod, heir to the Earl of Norfolk at the age of eleven, and married at fourteen, she has to learn to navigate the waters of not just another powerful family, but the political clime of the times as well. Especially when it seems as though the King has it in for the Marshals.

Character: Mahelt is beautifully written, from gangly girl to loving wife, gracious hostess and protective mother. Elizabeth Chadwick describes her emotions and actions so well you feel as if you know Mahelt. And Hugh is almost-perfect, if that ever existed... *grin* An honorable man who seems unable to do wrong, until he heads off to London with the family treasures against Mahelt's advice. And finds out that he really doesn't want to be on the wrong side of her graces.

I really really don't like King John, and I feel awful for those caught up in the web of his machinations. And while you don't have to read any of the prior books, I will say that The Scarlet Lion provides insight into William Marshal and what he and his family had to endure to keep his vow of loyalty to the King (even John), and For The King's Favor describes the path trod by Roger Bigod towards regaining and rebuilding his earldom. And the Roger and Ida in this book made me sad to see where their personal lives eventually ended up...

Pace & Plot: The plot probably isn't a surprise to any fan of medieval history, but the tale is paced well and told in a clear and realistic voice.

drey's rating: 4/5 Excellent! This vivid and engrossing tale of a noble daughter's life will draw you in, so set aside a few hours for the reading!

Have you read To Defy a King? What did you think? And if you haven't, here's your chance to win a copy!

Thanks to Sourcebooks, I have one copy of Elizabeth Chadwick's To Defy a King for you, if you live in the US. To enter, comment below with your email address and tell us if you've read any of Elizabeth's books, and if so which one(s)? Do it before 6pm CST April 4th. Good luck!


Sandra K321 said...

I have not read any of Elizabeth's books before but would like to. Thanks.

debbie said...

I would like to read it, it sounds really good.

ChrisS said...

I have not as of yet had to opportunity to read any of Elizabeth's books. However, her stories sounds wonderfully exciting and I would like to. Her book covers are also beautifully rich and intriquing. Thank you for the review. I am always looking for authors new to me, to read.

ChrisS said...

Sorry, forgot my email.


Rena Rossner said...

Haven't read any but am a big lover of Historical Fiction!

renarossner (at) gmail (dot com)

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I have not yet read any of Elizabeth's book, but For the King's Favor is on my wishlist already. I've heard nothing but good things about her historical fiction.


bermudaonion said...

I don't read a lot of historical fiction, so I haven't read any of Chadwick's work. You've made this one sound awfully good, so I'd love to be entered. kathy(at)

Carol N Wong said...

I am just now starting to read historical fiction and loving it. I have read a lot of reviews lately of this book and they are all raves so I would really love to win this contest and learn more characters in English History.


Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of her books yet but love to. Please enter me in contest. Her books sounds really good.

rubynreba said...

I have not read any of her books but they sound very good. Please enter me. Thanks.

petite said...

I would enjoy this novel. I haven't read any of her books. thanks. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com

Priya said...

Never read any of her books, but this sounds great! Thanks. =]


Martha Lawson said...

Have not read anything by her! This one sounds awesome. Enter me please.

follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

holdenj said...

I haven't read any of Elizabeth's books yet, but recently put The Greatest Knight on my Nook. Would love to win this one! Thanks so much!

Anita Yancey said...

I haven't read any of Elizabeth's books. This one sounds really good, and I would love to read it. Please enter me. Thanks!


Unknown said...

I haven't had a chance to read any of her books yet, but I do have several on my want list.

Thanks for the chance!

onebookshy at yahoo dot com

annalisa said...

I haven't read any books written by Elizabeth Chadwick, but would like to. To Defy A King sounds very interesting.


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