drey: You have quite the impressive law background (to me, at least!!). Why did you give it up to write? & if you were meant to write in the first place, was law just a jaunt in the park? Ok, so maybe not quite a jaunt, I know law school's not all fun & games... Inquiring minds want to know. (ok, ok, I'm nosy!)

When I was invited to my ex-boyfriend’s wedding, my life slowly but surely began to resemble some of my favorite chick lit novels, and I said to myself, ‘I’ve just gotta start writing this stuff down…’
When I finished SCOT ON THE ROCKS, I just knew that Brooke’s story had to continue! Since both she and Jack are lawyers, I thought it would be so much fun to pit them against each other in the courtroom… all while planning their fairy-tale wedding. Thus the idea for JACK WITH A TWIST was born!
I wouldn’t say that practicing law was exactly a jaunt in the park! I was at a large Manhattan law firm and then clerked for a federal judge, both of which are incredibly demanding jobs. It’s a completely different mindset from writing novels, and it’s a very different type of writing that you do when you’re working as a lawyer. Some people love the practice of law, but I was not one of those people!
d: How has living in NYC influenced your characters? Or not? Is the relationship between girlfriends navigating through the concrete jungle very different from the relationship between girlfriends everywhere else?
B: Living in NYC has definitely influenced my characters, and my writing style in general. Part of what’s fun about the books, I think, is that they reflect a lot of the New York City lifestyle—going out all the time, trying to balance work and life, looking for true love. I don’t know if the relationship between women is different in NYC versus other areas, mainly because I’ve lived in New York for my entire adult life. What I would say is that in the city, it’s really important to have friends you can rely on and relate to. They call it your “urban family,” and the friendships you form tend to really last, since you’ve all been through so many shared experiences together.
d: So what's next for Brooke & Jack? Can we look forward to the continuation of the saga? =) Or are you working on a new story with new characters? Do dish! =D (Yes, this is more nosiness...)
B: Right now, I’m not working on another Brooke and Jack book. But I’d never say never, so you’ll be the first to know when I get back to writing about my favorite lawyers again!
d: muahahahahaha! does that count as a scoop? =P
d: Will you eventually branch out from chick-lit? What genres are your favorites to read? What other genres would you want to write?
B: Funny you should ask that! I’m now working on a commercial women’s fiction novel, which is very different in tone to what I’d been doing previously. I’ve also got a Young Adult proposal brewing. I have an idea for a children’s fantasy novel, too, but that’s just in the note-taking stage. I always have lots of ideas going at the same time! We’ll have to see which one shapes up to become novel # 3.
d: Share some of your favorite reads with us - a book (or two) for each season?
B: I love to read. It’s so hard for me to narrow down my favorite books, so let me tell you about what I’ve been reading lately. I recently finished TIME OF MY LIFE by Allison Winn Scotch, which I loved, as well as THE DIVORCE PARTY by Laura Dave, which was heartbreakingly beautiful.
As for authors whose work never fails to disappoint, in my own genre, I love Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes, Kristin Harmel, Jennifer Weiner and Emily Giffin. For literary fiction, I love Dani Shapiro, Michael Chabon, Ayelet Waldman, Scott Spencer, Alix Ohlin, and Isabel Allende. As for classics, I'm a huge fan of F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, and Jane Austen.
d: Brenda, thank you so much for indulging my curiosity! Come back, anytime!! =)
About Brenda:
Brenda is the author of JACK WITH A TWIST (Engaging your adversary and other things they don’t teach you in law school) and SCOT ON THE ROCKS (How I survived my ex-boyfriend's wedding with my dignity ever so slightly intact), as well as the short story BASED ON A TRUE STORY. You can learn more about Brenda at www.brendajanowitz.com and check out her blog at www.brendajanowitz.blogspot.com.

How much does Brenda love y'all? Lots, apparently. =) She has one copy of Jack with a Twist (click on the title for my review) for you, provided you live in the United States. Contest ends 6:00pm CST June 18th.
To enter, comment and 'fess up: Have you ever been, wanted to be, are on the way to being, a lawyer? =P The Mr. (poor thing--he married me!) did it all--went to law school, passed the bar, etc. Found that he couldn't find a job in law that he wanted, that would pay enough to live on AND pay his student loans. Which were considerable, as he went to a private little law school in the Pacific NorthWest (and no, he's not from thereabouts)... As always, +1 for following, +2 for sharing (tell me what/where)...
I contemplated it during high school. The closest I got, though, was as a paralegal.
No, I've always wanted to be a teacher!
I follow.
Nope, never wanted to be a lawyer.
Yeah, I think I entertained that notion in maybe 4th or 5th grade when we had to write "what I want to be when I grow up" It was either that, ballerina or rocket scientist. What was I thinkin'? ANyway, yes I am a follower.
I loved Scot on the Rocks so I need, yes, need to win this one. Ha!
I married one, which I think should count for five EXTRA points! :--)
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I am a follower of your blog in Google Reader
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I married a Legal Assistant that could easily pass for a lawyer!
Just blogged about this on Win A Book.
No I never wanted to be a lawyer, always seemed like to much to remember and to much work lol.
I'm a follower thanks.
I enjoyed your interview - I'd love to read Brenda's books!
I am a lawyer and did 2 years doing Banking & Finance in Big Law in NYC, but wasn't happy. I'm trying to figure out how to use my law degree but have more balance in my life.
+1 I'm a follower
+ 2 i'm posting a link to this contest on my blog's sidebar
gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com
I don't think that I ever seriously considered it, but it probably flitted through my mind. I wanted to be a vet. I like dealing with people one-on-one, and often prefer animals to people. I don't like standing in front of a large group with all eyes on me!
I follow
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I wanted to be a singer or a nurse, I'm a stay at home mom so I kind of do both lol
crystalmarieporter at gmail dot com
Never! Too much talking involved in being a lawyer and I'm a quiet one.
Thanks for sharing~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
Nope dating one for 3 years was enough for me!
msboatgal at aol.com
I thought about it during high school and even applied to colleges as pre-law but in my first semester I changed it.
I am already a follower.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I have to admit at one time I did want to be a lawyer. Ended up with a degree in Criminal Justice. I'm a follower.
house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com
I have always wanted to be a lawyer and am still considering it.
Anyway, enter me please!
I used to want to be a fashion designer
Linked in my sidebar
I always thought it would be neat to be a lawyer, but didn't want to do all that studying.
I follow.
Ive never wanted to be a lawyer (i hate public speaking)
The thought of becoming a lawyer always sounded too scary! And too much work.
I follow.
And I blogged your contest: http://www.morbid-romantic.net/2009/06/08/book-giveaways-0608-0614/
I've always wanted to be a lawyer, and am currently working towards law school.
I have tried to win this everywhere so here goes again. I almost changed and went to law school at the last minute but instead, I stuck with teaching. Would have loved to do that.
I am a forever following friend :D
No, I've never had any desire to be a lawyer. I follow your RSS. Thanks for entering me.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
yup people tell me i practice law without a license minsthins at optonline dot net
No, I wanted to be a nun when I was little, is that the same? LOL
nope...I have never wanted to be a lawyer!
Being a lawyer sounded like to much studying and from what I've heard it's very hard to pass the bar exam.
nope. thats one thing i never wanted to be
Yea, back in the day I wanted to be one. Now I'd rather be a writer.
Follower (liane66)
Posted under current giveaway on my blog http://metroreader.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the giveaway!
Sorry never even contemplated being a lawyer.
I am a follower.
I don't believe I have the personality for it, haha
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
I always wanted to be a teacher. My younger brother is a lawyer who went to Harvard and is now making lots and lots of money. I always tell my students that I am in teaching for the money. They laugh, too.
Thank you,
I am a follower.
Thank you,
I never thought about being a lawyer but I do think it would be a very interesting career!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
If I could do things over I would have gotten a joint MBA/JD that the school I went to offered... I think I would be in corporate law!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com
I have always loved law but am not a lawyer nor will I ever be one! I just love reading about cases in the news, books and wherever I can find them. My brother in law is a lawyer so at least I know where I can find a good one if I ever need one.
I follow your blog each and every day!
I also subscribe by email.
I follow you on Twitter! You are on my Twitter Favorites. My username is Soccermom213
I tweeted today about your blog and giveaways.
Happy Birthday, Drey!!!
No desire to be a lawyer but always have been fascinated with the way lawyers think.
madamerkf at aol dot com
never a lawyer- they have to be - well not me
Nope - no interest to ever be a lawyer, although my 2 closest friends became lawyers.
No, I have never been a lawyer, and never wanted to be one. Please enter me. Thanks!
I am a follower.
I have a law degree - pristine and unused 15 years old
Nope - I wanted to be a veterinarian!
I'm a follower - thanks!
I think I've always been fascinated by the legal profession. I blame it all on Judge Wapner. Still, I'm not one for standing up in front of a group of people and making a scene, so I don't think I'm cut out for it!
I'm a follower, and I wanted to be a vet..then an interpreter for the UN...then a general (ok, maybe colonel)...Now, I'm a paralegal.
It's a job I love, and I currently work for an attorney who has cases that are always unique and always a challenge, so it makes the work more fun!
Nope, never wanted to be a lawyer.
I never liked school that much
I blogged it here:
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