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2009 Ban on Spending Challenge...

December 31, 2008
J.Kaye put out an S.O.S. for someone to run this challenge for 2009. I nuttily volunteered. Mostly because I agreed with the spirit of the challenge. I spend way too much on books. Authors, publishers, and retailers probably love me for it, but my budget needs some control. Ok, LOTS of control. And since I now wield (& use!) a library card, I can try to put some parameters around buying books.

So, without further ado, here's my rules for the 2009 Ban on Spending Challenge:
  1. List all the books on your TBR list. Every single one.
  2. No purchasing books for yourself until all the books listed are gone. No purchasing books for other people with the intention of reading them after they are finished. Library or other borrowed books can’t be listed.
  3. Any books won in a raffle or given to you as a gift will be added to this list.
  4. Books to be reviewed for promo companies, other blogs, authors, etc. do not count and are not added to this list.
  5. Challenge runs January 1st to December 31st, 2009. Start anytime and list as many or as few books as you have. Once all books are checked off from the list, the ban is lifted and the spending can begin again.
  6. If you don't have a ton of books to list, but would still like to participate in the spirit of the challenge, you may elect to participate in a period of "abstinence" ~ e.g. no buying from January through April. Make sure to state your intent & the period of time you're abstaining for.
  7. I MAY have a prize at the end of the year, I'll have to think of the qualifications (most books waded thru? longest wait? random?).
  8. If you don't have a blog and would like to still join, list your books in the comment section below.
  9. Any questions? Post a comment, & I'll figure it out. =)
  10. Have FUN!
I think if I can do this well, I might be able to save enough for a Kindle... That's a HUGE incentive for me! =) My list.

Sign up using Mr. Linky:

Enter your challenge books here:


Josette said...

Now, I think this is the challenge of all challenges! It's similar to my own personal challenge but I usually succumb to it. :( I'll need to think about it first before I decide to join in cos I really want to buy Breaking Dawn next year!

Good luck with the challenge though! :)

drey said...

Y'know, I'm in the same boat. The only good thing is, my list is still kinda small-ish... =) I plan on working thru my 25 books for the library challenge, which should take me to, oh, March-ish, before I hit the 15 on my list (so far). Come & join anyway!

Unknown said...

I cannot post all my TBR books since I have well over 300 of them and I know there is no way in hell i will be able to read them all. But I'll try my best. I'll let you know when my list goes up.

Anonymous said...

Love your photo! :) I'll help by spreading the word. :)

drey said...

lilly ~ Holy cow! 300+?? Wow. I am in awe. Good luck with the challenge!

J.Kaye ~ Thank you! Sure you don't want to participate? =P

Anonymous said...

There is no way. I've already started ordering books. I'd been disqualified before beginning.

Unknown said...

Yeah, you know I just discovered used books' cottages last summer at two of my libraries and I just went crazy (they were $0.25 to $1, who wouldn't, and a lot of them were not even read!)

Alea said...

It would probably take my close to a decade to complete this challenge, lol! Love to cheer on others that are stronger than me though!

LizzieK8 said...

I must have started this challenge 10 years ago. I have a list of books to read over at goodreads. I have no physical books at all. I don't buy books because I can get them at the library...

Good luck to you all!

drey said...

lilly ~ If I found books for $0.25 to $1 each, I'd probably have a TBR pile the size of yours. My hubby thanks his lucky stars I haven't. =)

Alea ~ A decade would be quite a while... Thanks for cheering us on though - You can be the first official drey's library challenge cheerleader. =D

LizzieK8 ~ I'll have to check out goodreads. My library doesn't have everything I want to read, so I know I'll have to buy eventually.

Josette said...

Hi Drey, I've decided to join in the fun! I'll be listing out my books on my Challenges page. :)

Josette said...

Oh, so ARCs are not counted, right?

drey said...

Josette ~ yay! The more the merrier! =)

& no, ARCs are not counted. So you may be done with this challenge sooner than you think...

Unknown said...

I have posted my initial list but I will be adding to it as I go.
It's here:

Anonymous said...

Been too busy (in mind and body) to list the books yet but thought I'd add in the link to show you that I'm in :)

List them later k?

drey said...

KittyCat ~ Yay! =) Take your time with posting your list. I need to update mine with additional TBRs...

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'm part of the Read Your Own Books challenge, too, so these'll work well together. :D

Anonymous said...

Er, wait. Just remembered the twice-yearly cheapo FOTL sales ($3 for a bag of books!). I simply CANNOT resist those, so, uh. Hm. Nevermind. (Sorry!)

drey said...

birdbrainbb ~ oh, bummer! you could still do this challenge, just read your TBR before you go shopping! =)

Desert Rose said...

Hi drey,
Tagged you with the Happy Tag I hope you don't mind.. :)

check it out here

Unknown said...

Hello again. Just posted another review for the challenge.

Unknown said...

I linked another review. I hope it's okay that I do it on the same Mr. Linky.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to join this but I don't buy my books at all, I go to the library for all my reading. But I am doing a book challenge ABC Challenge by Author's Last name.

The Book Resort said...

I am just not that strong. I must admit the Kindle is an incentive, Drey ; )

The Book Resort said...

How is your resolve going, Drey? Still want to $ave for the Kindle? Me, too!!!

drey said...

OMG, I am so NOT making any progress on my TBR pile!! Why oh why do I keep looking at all the shiny new pennies (oh! look! another book!)... *sigh*

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