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89. Glass Houses by Rachel Caine...

June 11, 2009
glass housesClaire Danvers is sixteen, a genius, and a freshman at Texas Prairie U (advance placement). Ok, seriously. If I had a genius kid who was accepted into MIT, Caltech, or Yale, she would not be at TPU. And therefore could've skipped the whole town-run-by-vamps thing.

And then there would be no story. Which would be a shame, because Glass Houses is actually pretty good. Claire is feisty, even while she's scared half to death. And she's indignant that the other girls in her dorm sees the hazing going on, but ignore it so that they're not next up... But first order of business for Claire is to survive. Knowing that she won't if she stays in the dorms, she goes looking off-campus for someone willing to take in a roommate. And finds herself at the Glass House, with Michael, Shane, and Eva.

Claire has a lot to learn about Morganville. All the scary creepy crawly things that go bump in the night, exist. And don't just stay home in the day, either... So her roommates take on the challenge of keeping her safe, which puts them all in danger. Feisty genius that she is, she comes up with a way for all four of them to stay out of harm's way. If she can only make it to the end.

Glass Houses is sometimes rough, sometimes tough, and always on the edge. You never know what's going to happen to Claire next, while she's running like a rat in a maze trying to find her way out. And though this is YA, I think it'll attract any paranormal reader. I just put books #3 and 4 on my library list...

Title: Glass Houses
Author: Rachel Caine
ISBN-10: 0-451-21994-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-451-21994-7
Paperback: 239 pages
Publisher: NAL Jam, 2006


Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

Looks like a fun read, and I enjoyed your review. I laughed out loud when you said that they didn't stay home in the day either. You just can't win in that town.

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

Nice review! I just started this series and ended up buying all six books because they're very hard to put down.


Ladytink_534 said...

Best series! I can't wait to read the latest! For her first try at YA I was more than impressed with this book

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