
Ashes of a Black Frost (11/1) | The Shattered Vine (11/3)
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Birthday Celebration! Come & party...

June 1, 2009
birthday hatSo, my birthday is coming up, and I thought I'd celebrate with some cool stuff... Author guest posts, tours, giveaways, the whole she-bang! So, make sure you don't miss anything - it's going to be quite the jam-packed two weeks around here!

8 - Annie Solomon stops by with a guest post. I was recently introduced to Annie's books, and LOVED them.

9 - C.M. Mayo shares her favorite cocktail & top 5 beach reads!

10 - Emily St. John Mandel has a brand new book out (just last week!), & she's stopping by to say "HI"!

11 - Brenda Janowitz answers a few questions. I got lots! LOTS! But I only asked a few... Gotta keep 'em coming back! =P

12 - Sarah Dunn's Secrets to Happiness is touring!

birthday bash15 - Timothy Schaffert is a funny, funny man.

16 - Tess Calahan writes a guest post for lil ol' moi...

17 - Eric Barnes has a book coming out (in less than 2 weeks!!) - check him out!

18 - C.E. Murphy! I snagged an interview with C.E. Murphy!!

19 - The lovely Susan from West of Mars...

Humongous thanks to all the authors participating, and the publicists who helped set these up! My blog wouldn't be quite the same without all y'all!

One more thing--This is a huge shout-out to Aerin of In Search of Giants... She very kindly created the lovely birthday logo for me! Isn't she the greatest?? Stop by and say "hi" to her!

ps: A special something goes to one lucky ducky who guesses my actual birthday... Watch for that post, coming up next... =)


Jenna said...

Happy early birthday! I also have a birthday this month. I can't wait!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

The logo's awesome. The party hat's awesome. Me guest blogging is ... partially done. (am working on it right now, in fact!)

But you? You are ultra awesome.

Happy early birthday, babydoll.

Dave said...

Forget the book giveaway. I want to win the hat!

Anonymous said...

Just want to say hope you have a wonderful birthday!

drey said...

Awwww, Susan! You're so good to me! Thank you, hon!

& yes, the hat is way cool! Much cooler than me!! & Dave~ I wish I had one to give away... You can find 'em at Disney World, though. =)

Anonymous said...

DREY! Is that you in the picture? Doll, you are gorgeous - your profile picture hiding behind those sunglasses doesn't do you justice!

(Thanks for mention, btw. Totally happy to do it.)

drey said...

lol, Aerin! I'm so very thankful that you're blessed with the creativity gene that skipped my gene pool... =D & yes, that's me. Hamming it up while at WDW last spring... =) Thank you!

Darlene said...

Wow, is it ever going to be a busy couple of weeks! Hope your birthday will be awesome!

drey said...

Thank you, Dar! Have you joined in the guessing game yet? =)

Terri said...

My sister's is June 19 so that's one guess. Since I follow the blog, I'll guess June 6 just because....

Terri said...

My sister's is June 19 so that's one guess. Since I follow the blog, I'll guess June 6 just because....

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