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Happy Birthday: Georgette Heyer's eBooks on sale 8/15 thru 8/21!

August 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 16 would have been Georgette Heyer’s 109th birthday. In honor of this occasion, Sourcebooks is discounting EVERY SINGLE one of her currently available eBooks to $1.99 for one week!

That’s 46 books by Georgette Heyer, plus the fabulous reader companion, Georgette Heyer’s Regency World by Jennifer Kloester, available for $1.99 from August 15 to August 21.

Below is the full list of titles, separated by category: regency romance, mystery, historical fiction and non-fiction. For covers and retailers, visit Sourcebooks' Heyer birthday page.


1.                  Arabella
2.                  Bath Tangle
3.                  Beauvallet
4.                  The Black Moth
5.                  Black Sheep
6.                  Charity Girl
7.                  The Convenient Marriage
8.                  The Corinthian
9.                  Cotillion
10.              Cousin Kate
11.              Devil’s Cub
12.              False Colours
13.              Faro’s Daughter
14.              The Foundling
15.              Frederica
16.              Friday’s Child
17.              The Grand Sophy
18.              Lady of Quality
19.              The Masqueraders
20.              The Nonesuch
21.              Powder and Patch
22.              The Quiet Gentleman
23.              Regency Buck
24.              The Reluctant Widow
25.              Sylvester
26.              The Talisman Ring
27.              These Old Shades
28.              Venetia

29.              Behold, Here’s Poison
30.              A Blunt Instrument
31.              Death in the Stocks
32.              Detection Unlimited
33.              Duplicate Death
34.              Envious Casca
35.              Footsteps in the Dark
36.              No Wind of Blame
37.              Penhallow
38.              They Found Him Dead
39.              Unfinished Clue
40.              Why Shoot a Butler?

41.              The Conqueror
42.              An Infamous Army
43.              My Lord John
44.              Royal Escape
45.              Simon the Coldheart
46.              Spanish Bride

47.              Georgette Heyer's Regency World


holdenj said...

Oh my. Where would you even start? Very generous idea on their part though, at least I have a couple days to research some titles. I downloaded the free mystery a couple weeks ago, maybe I should start it!

drey said...

lol! Yeah, if you figure out where to start, feel free to share... :)

holdenj said...

May have to go by title alone! Who could resist something called The Nonesuch!?

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