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Review: 104. The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa...

August 9, 2011
I've been meaning to get to this third installment of Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey series, but hadn't had the time. Luckily for me, I finally put some time aside to inhale it!

the iron queen
Title: The Iron Queen (Iron Fey #3)
Author: Julie Kagawa
ISBN-13: 9780373210183
Paperback: 358 pages
Publisher: Harlequin, 2011
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Waukesha Public Library

drey's thoughts:
Poor Meghan. Yeah, she's exiled. And yeah, so's Ash. But hey, at least they have each other. And she can go home... Right?

Wrong. On so many fronts. The false king has declared war on the Nevernever, and Summer and Winter both come together (Hah! Bet you never expected to see those words together!) and approach Meghan for help. After all, she's the only one who's ever squeaked out alive after going toe to toe with the Iron Fey. Never mind that she may not survive this time...

But how can she say "no," especially when Mab offers to revoke Ash's exile in return? So off she goes--with Ash, Puck, and Grimalkin in tow--into the Iron Kingdom, where they find excitement, adventure, and Iron-poisoned landscape. How will she find the false king, much less defeat the Iron army? Especially when she doesn't even know who the false king is...

I really enjoyed the storyline, and I really like Meghan. Ash more than Puck (he was quite a brat here). And this series wouldn't be quite the same without Grim. This is a wonderful addition to the Iron Fey series, and I cannot wait for The Iron Knight (due in October!).

drey's rating: Excellent!

Have you read The Iron Queen or Julie's Iron Fey series? What did you think?


bermudaonion said...

I read The Iron Daughter and need to finish up the series! It sounds good.

holdenj said...

I have all three just sitting there waiting for a mass read. I've heard they're really good! Thanks for the reminder! Perhaps I can make the Iron Knight debut my deadline!

drey said...

Go Julia go! :)

I really like this series (even if Puck's being a dweeb in this one), can't wait to see what Ash does in The Iron Knight! :)

holdenj said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

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