
Ashes of a Black Frost (11/1) | The Shattered Vine (11/3)
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drey's Giveaway Policy

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Lucky Winners!!

April 13, 2009
Sorry this is late! It's been a busy weekend, and today's a busy Monday! In any case. The giveaway of 5 copies of Thomas Buergenthal's A Lucky Child is over, and Randomizer has anointed the following 5 people winners!


Congratulations! To claim your loot, please email me your snail mail info by 10:00 pm Wednesday, and I'll send it on its merry way to Hachette. Thanks for swinging by drey's library!

(I realize this post isn't quite as "pretty" as I usually like to make it, but I didn't want to wait 3 more hours... I'll pretty it up later!)


Jo-Jo said...

Congrats to all of the lucky winners!

Shelley said...

Yay! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

bermudaonion said...

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Jen said...

Congrats guys ^_^

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners, enjoy the book. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I just e-mailed you, so if you don't get it, please let me know. Some of my e-mails have been sucked into black holes lately. Congrats to all the other winners as well!


Rebecca Anne said...

Congrats winners! Is there anything better then winning books? Ok Ok beyond winning the lottery~

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