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Tour & Giveaway: One Deadly Sin by Annie Solomon...

April 26, 2009
It's tour time! Today's tour is for Annie Solomon's new book, One Deadly Sin...

About the author:
A native New Yorker, RITA-winning author Annie Solomon has been dreaming up stories since she was ten. After a twelve-year career in advertising, where she rose to Vice President and Head Writer at a mid-size agency, she abandoned the air conditioners, furnaces and heat pumps of her professional life for her first love—romance. An avid knitter, she now lives in Nashville with her husband and daughter. Find Annie online at her website.

Now Annie, she's a total sweetheart. I asked if she would answer some questions for me, and she did!! Here's my Proust-lite interview with Annie:
  1. What is your idea of earthly happiness? A beach and an umbrella chair.
  2. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? God, I could go on and on, I can think of so many. But time is short and so are attention spans, so for purposes of this, let’s say… making decisions. I’d rather do almost anything else than choose between two things.
  3. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Sad to say I don’t read much anymore. But here are a few from past reads that have stayed with me:
    Claire Randall in Outlander, because she’s smart.
    Maddy Timms in Flowers From the Storm, because she’s brave enough to trust her own judgment.
    Harriet, in Harriet the Spy because she’s…well, she’s Harriet.
  4. Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? Florence Nightingale. She defied her family and convention and changed the world.
  5. What sound do you love? Celtic instrumental music. Harp, flute, strings.
  6. What sound do you hate? The vacuum cleaner. I hate, hate, hate, to clean. It’s probably my second item under the lowest depths of misery.
  7. The quality you admire most in a man? The ability to make me laugh at myself.
  8. The quality you admire most in a woman? Kindness.
  9. If not a writer, you would be a saleswoman at Macy’s. I did that once years ago and it was the best job I ever had . I got to dress up, meet people, be surrounded by pretty things, and get a discount. Now you know how shallow I am!
  10. What is your favorite swear word? Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck this. Fuck a duck. It’s very versatile.
Gosh, Annie, I was laughing out loud while reading your answers!!  =)

About the book:

Revenge. Edie Swann has hungered for it since she fled her hometown as a little girl. Now she's returned, ready for payback. Armed with a list of names, she leaves each one a chilling sign that they have blood on their hands. Her father's blood. What happens next turns her own blood cold: one by one, the men she's targeted start dying.

Sheriff Holt Drennen knows Edie is hiding something. She has a haunted look in her eyes and a defiant spirit, yet he can't believe she's a murderer. As the body count rises and all evidence points to Edie, Holt is torn between the town he's sworn to protect and the woman he's come to desire. But nothing is what it seems. Long buried secrets begin to surface, and a killer won't be satisfied until the sins of the past are paid in full--this time with Edie's blood.
Want more? Read my review here. =)

Now, check this out. Thanks to Hachette Book Group, I have 5 copies of One Deadly Sin for you. Yup, five. Open to US & Canada residents only, no P.O. Boxes, please. To enter, leave a comment. See how easy that is? =P As usual, +1 for followers, +2 for spreading this wide and far. Tell me how/where... 

Giveaway ends 6:00 p.m. May 8th, so get a move on! =)

Check out the other tour stops!
This Book for Free
Reading with Monie
Unmainstream Mom Reads
The Tome Traveller's Weblog
Darby's Closet
My Friend Amy
Cheryl's Book Nook
Marta's Meanderings
chic Book reviews
My thoughts... your thoughts?
Cafe of Dreams
Wendy's Minding Spot
Enroute to Life
A Bookish Mom
drey's library
Zen Sanity
Carol's Notebook
Wendi's Book Corner
Morbid Romantic
Booksie's Blog
Debbie's World of Books
So Many Books, So Little Time
Bookin' with Bingo


Dixie said...

One of my favorite swear words as well.
Just something about it that is very satisfying-no double entendre meant!
I'd love to read this one.


Dixie said...

I'm a follower.

Dixie said...



Vanessa said...

I love the Proust-lite interview...

Please count me in for the giveaway.


Vanessa said...

I'm a follower!

KR said...

I'd love this.


KR said...

I follow.


housemouse88 said...

Loved the interview with Annie. I follow.

house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

nfmgirl said...

Wow, that is easy! Please count me in. Sounds like a good read. Thanks!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I'm a follower

drey said...

Ok, Annie's a bad influence. I've been muttering "fuck a duck" under my breath while playing Catan, if the other players make a move I don't like... *sigh*

On another note, I read Annie's Blackout yesterday. Like, swallowed it down whole & everything. Good book. Now I have to hunt down her other ones!! What does this mean? I guess she's going on my list of fav authors. Who'd've thunk? Me, with a "romance" author on my list... *grin*

Nicole said...

Looks like a good read. Thanks for the giveaway!

Nicole said...

I follow.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good summer read. Please enter me!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I tweeted, tweet is here:

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog.

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

tetewa said...

I'd like to be included!

Unknown said...

Hi Drey!

This one sounds really good! I have say the fuck a duck one is a no-no that has been known to leave my lips. I'm trying though....

Please enter me!

Dottie ;)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower


Annie1 said...

F*** a Duck is something I've been saying since I was in school! lol And my name is Annie......I think its fate that I'm entering for one of these books !! ;-p


Annie1 said...

I follow your blog!


Annie1 said...


greeeneyedwhwomhttp://dreyslibrary.blogspo... WINa BOOK (profile page)


Carol M said...

This book sounds good! Thank you for the giveaway!
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

wheels209 said...

Hi Drey,
Bags!!!! I knew I would be in trouble with this book. I like some romance in books but it can't be cheesy. It has too make sense within the story. If I win this book and like it I am filing it under guilty plesure.Then I will laugh myself silly. I have trusted your book guidance so far with good results. No pressure there right Drey. I do follow your blog. I think your aware of that by now. LOL!!! Take care my friend and have a wonderful day!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Drey,
Thanks for the interview with Annie. I too will have to hunt down her books and thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I am also a stalking follower.


Anonymous said...

lol Annie, you sound like my kind of girl!! I can't wait to read this!

jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow :)

jaam121388 at yahoo dot com

Kat Bryan said...

That was a fun, interesting interview and I would love to read the book.

doreen lamoureux said...

Thanks for the chance.

doreen lamoureux said...

I am an email subscriber.

Kaye said...

Sounds good, Drey. Count me in the drawing please

Kaye said...

I am a follower


Jen said...

Harriet the Spy does indeed PWN!
I like the look of it ^_^ Please include me?

I follow.

scottsgal said...

I cracked up at your answers as well - I am also fond of that swear word!

msboatgal at

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

Debs Desk said...

I am a follower.

The Book Resort said...

Oh, my! It is one of my comfort words. lol.
Awesome interview. Thanks.

donnas said...

I totally agree with number 10.

One Deadly Sin sounds great. Please include me in a chance to win.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

donnas said...

I am a follower.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Sue W. said...

I would love to be one of the lucky winners of this great giveaway.

Sue W. said...

I'm a happy follower.


Kytaira said...

Well, I thought I posted but looks like I didn't!

I loved reading your interview. Sounds like you have a great sense of humour. Not the slapstick kind but the *yah, I so relate to that* kind of humour. I haven't read you before so it will be interesting to see how your personality impact your writing.

I'm a follower.

lynda98662 at yahoo dot com

kalea_kane said...

Great interview! You really have awesome questions. :) No need to enter me. Just dropping by on the tour. :) Have a great week!

Kelly :)

Annie Solomon said...

Hi everyone! I waited until today to stop by and boy, I'm glad I did. Such fun to read how many people have similar tastes in swear words!!! Thanks to Drey for her kind words about my book and for participating in the tour. Good luck with the giveaway, everyone.

lingeorge said...

This book sounds fascinating! I am really looking forward to find out about Edie Swann's dilemma! (Yes, I follow)

CherylS22 said...

I can't wait to read this book. I am a huge Annie Solomon fan.

Please count me in - Thanks!

CherylS22 said...

I'm an e-mail subscriber


Unknown said...

I loved Annie's answers! Please enter me.

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I am a follower :)

jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

Bridget said...

Posted on Win A Book. Don't enter me.

Anita Yancey said...

I love Annie Solomon's books, I have read several and they were all great. None have ever disappointed me. Would like to read this book as well. Please enter me. Thanks!


Anita Yancey said...

I am a follower.


Melissa said...

Don't enter me, just wanted to stop in and say any author that mentions Outlander is one I need to check out.

Kitten22 said...

This looks so great! Please enter me!


VioletReads said...

Ooh! This sounds like an exciting book! I'm a follower

-violetreads at gmail

annie solomon said...

Hi, Melissa! Love to hear from other Outlander fans. Did you know it's been optioned by H'wood? Check out the November 4, 2008 entry in my blog Annie's World, for more info.

Stacia said...

Great interview and I love that her fave swear word is also mine :)

Enter me, please

staciahelpman at hotmail dot com

Terri said...

I'm a follower and would love to be entered in the contest! If not, I'll just have to swear...

Pissenlit said...

I loved Harriet the Spy! I remember actually making a notebook so I could write everything down in it just like Harriet did...ha!

Fuck really is a versatile word, isn't it?

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I've wanted to read this since I read your review so I'd love a chance to be entered! And of course I'm already a follower.

I also posted this on my sidebar but if that doesn't count, no problem =D

Thanks Drey!!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

i love annie's books, please enter me.

Belinda M said...

Please enter me in the giveaway

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that I am missing a very obvious
thing, but what is a follower? I see that
everywhere,but am clueless about it.

The books seems it would be a great read. Please
enter me in the drawing. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I'm now a follower.


windycindy said...

Greetings! I really enjoyed your interview with
Ms. Solomon. She is a hoot. I enjoy learning more about the person behind the book!
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

Also, I am a fan follower of your blog!
Again, thanks!

windycindy said...

Thanks a bunch!

Ashley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley said...

Good interview! I would like to enter, please.

Ashley said...

I am also a follower!

furygirl3132 said...

Sounds like an excellent book, I love Annie's style of writing. It was a great interview as well, thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!


furygirl3132 said...

I am also a follower (furygirl3132).


furygirl3132 said...

I am following you on Twitter (furygirl3132) and I tweeted:


LoveMyCoffee said...

I'd love a chance to win. I subscribe by e-mail.

Dutchlvr1 (at)

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