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63. Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs...

June 14, 2010
silver borne
Title: Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson #5)
Author: Patricia Briggs
ISBN-13: 9780441018192
Hardcover: 342 pages
Publisher: Penguin, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon

FTC Disclosure: My copy of Silver Borne came by for a visit from my local library. And I looked at it for a while, wishing I could pick it up, while I was reading other books. I am an IndieBound and Amazon affiliate, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
Oh Mercy. You sure know how to attract trouble, don't you? I mean, yeah, things are working out (slowly, sure, but it's all good...) with yummy Alpha Adam. And you're in one piece (mostly). But things have a way of smacking you upside the head while you're trying to have some fun with said yumminess...

In Silver Borne, the fae pick a fight with Mercy. Well, just a fae. But still. She turns things upside down for Mercy, and for Gabriel's family. If that wasn't enough, Adam's pack still has elements who aren't too thrilled about a mere coyote being second-in-command--and are letting it show. And Samuel's wolf is asserting itself because Samuel isn't looking out for their best interests. Whew.

I really think Mercy is my favorite urban fantasy heroine. And in this installment, she relies on her wits because she wasn't going to win by duking it out with the big bad fae, or even the pack. I heart me a girl who can think on her feet. *grin*

Waiting impatiently for the next book in this series...

drey's rating: 4/5 Excellent

Challenges: 100+, Pub, Support Your Local Library


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