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TLC Book Tours: 60. Dismantled by Jennifer McMahon...

June 1, 2010
It's tour time! Jennifer McMahon is touring with TLC Tours for Dismantled...

tlc tour

FTC Disclosure: My copy of Dismantled was provided by TLC Tours for this blog tour. I am an IndieBound and Amazon affiliate, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

jennifer mcmahonAbout the Author:
Jennifer grew up in her grandmother’s house in suburban Connecticut, where she was convinced a ghost named Virgil lived in the attic. She wrote her first short story in third grade, graduated with a BA from Goddard College and then studied poetry for a year in the MFA in Writing Program at Vermont College. A poem turned into a story, which turned into a novel, and she decided to take some time to think about whether she wanted to write poetry or fiction. She quit her last real job in 2000 to work on writing full time. Find her online at

dismantledTitle: Dismantled
Author: Jennifer McMahon
ISBN-13: 9780061689345
Paperback: 422 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon

drey's thoughts:
Dismantled took me a while to get into. The first part was a bit slow, for me, and I almost didn't keep reading. The premise behind the story is of a group of four who band together and carry out acts of civil disobedience. Calling themselves the Compassionate Dismantlers, their manisfesto is "To understand the nature of a thing, it must be taken apart".

When one of their foursome dies, the remaining three decide to bury her body and move on. Now, Henry and Tess' child, Emma, has an imaginary friend--Danner--who spouts stuff that she shouldn't know, who prompts Emma to send a postcard to the other remaining member of the Compassionate Dismantlers. And when that last of the foursome commits suicide, it triggers questions into what happened a decade ago.

But who is Danner? And how does she fit into this story? This is like I Know What You Did Last Summer meets, um, (insert malicious-spirit-returns-to-haunt-those-who-killed-them movie here). Is Emma schizophrenic? Possessed? I'm still not sure.

I cannot say I enjoyed this book--I felt like I had to work too hard to get to the end of it. But, I did finish it. Anyway. Take a look at the other reviewers' opinions, before you take my word for it. It might be biased because I spent too much time in the sun and my head is still fried.

drey's rating: 2/5 Ok

I found this trailer on Jennifer's website. It's pretty cool!

Challenges: 100+


enyl said...

The best part about birthdays are champaign spritzers, live blues, and celebrating with my siblings.

enyl said...


trish said...


Second, you make some interesting points about this book, though I wonder what *I* would think because another reviewer said this was great from page 1. I love the differing opinions! It makes me even more curious. :)

Thanks for being on this tour!

drey said...

I know, trish! That's why I told people to go check others' opinions out... Thanks for having me on the tour!

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