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June's FEATURED AUTHOR: Chloe's accompaniments to coffee...

June 16, 2010
Chloe Neill, June's Featured Author, stops over today to share some of her favorite books... Let's see what they are!

Hi, everyone!

Unfortunately, I don't have a ton of time to read right now due to my hairy writing and editing schedule, but there are definitely books I keep coming back to.

First, I love reading books in series. I love the character development and inside jokes (and that's what I try to write, as well). At the top of my list is the IN DEATH series by J.D. Robb (actually Nora Roberts). If you're a fan of crime, mystery, romance or slightly-futuristic science fiction, you'll adore these books. And Roarke may be one of the best heroes in romantic fiction. :) I've read the entire series at least a couple of times, and I'm now starting at the beginning with the audiobooks. Two thumbs up!

Second on the list is Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. They're historic fiction with a keen attention to detail and two fabulous leading characters--Jamie and Claire. They're long and can be challenging in terms of the detail, but they're definitely worth it for me.

Although I don't read much paranormal now, the Weather Warden series by Rachel Caine, the Hollows series by Kim Harrison, and the BDB series by JR Ward top the list. They're all auto-buys. I even introduced drey to JR Ward. drey--how are you liking her?? :)

Other auto-buys include anything by Neil Gaiman and Carl Hiassen, as well as Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. They're so funny!

I also try to balance out the fiction with some non-fiction. I love travelogues and books about food and culture, so Paul Theroux and Ruth Reichl are favorites. I also enjoy Nathaniel Philbrick, and nonfiction treatments of Chicago (like Devil in the White City). I also love reference books, and scan through the shelves at used bookstores and antique stores for neat reference sources. One of my favorites is a 5-pound volume of the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, which I found, ironically enough, in Nebraska.

Well, that's about all for me. I hope these give you some new ideas for authors! Happy reading!

Hmm. I've got some new authors to check out. And I love JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series... You got me hooked, Chloe! What about y'all? Have you read any of Chloe's favorites? What did you think?


Bethany C. said...

I love The Hallows series! And I've seen that the Weather Warden series has a ton of fans, but I read the first book and just couldn't get into it. But after seeing so much good stuff about the BDB, I just might have to check that out.

wheels209 said...

Hi Drey,
I am really liking The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett. I put the first two books on my nook. What fun it has been.

Armenia said...

Hi Drey and Chloe. I just love Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. I am currently listenting to Drums of Autumn in CD whenever I am in my car or blogging. Its really amazing because Davania Porter narrates and has the Scottish burr right on. I also have her books in print in case I miss something on the CDs.

Ladytink_534 said...

I love Chloe Neill's books! I just started reading the Weather Warden series last night and I really like them.

Jessica said...

I LOVE ROARKE! Omg...he is the perfect romantic hero...tough, but sensitive, hot and sweet...I buy all the books in the "In Death" series, not only because they are really great murder mysteries, but also because Eve and Roarke are just amazing characters!!
I also love Stephanie Plum. Those books are so hilarious. I buy those automatically, too.

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