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120. Take a Chance on Me by Jill Mansell...

October 5, 2010
take a chance on me
Title: Take a Chance on Me
Author: Jill Mansell
ISBN-13: 9781402237515
ARC: 412 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Inc., 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository

FTC Disclosure: My copy of Take a Chance on Me was provided by the publisher for this blog tour. I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
Jill Mansell's Take a Chance on Me is a quirky and warm story about a girl--Cleo--who's still living with the embarrassment of being humiliated by her high-school crush, and a boy--Johnny--who's taking his time to figure out what he really wants. True to form, her characters are larger-than-life and definitely not perfect, yet you find yourself rooting for them to get their happily-ever-after.

And it's not just Cleo and Johnny you feel for, the accompanying cast of characters are pretty entertaining, too. Not that everything's hunky-dory for everyone else. Oh, no... As the romantic webs start entangling everyone in the town of Channings Hill, you wonder if it's going to end up more like a daytime soap than a rom-com. But no worries, everything works out in the end, even if the ending was just a teensy bit rushed.

The humor shines through brightly, and the characters are so vivid that you can imagine this on film. This is another must-read from Jill Mansell--add it to your fall list!

drey's rating: 3.5/5 Very Good

Challenges: 100+, Pub


bermudaonion said...

Jill Mansell writes such fantastic characters - they make her books so much fun!

drey said...

she does! i am always entertained, that's for sure!

Jill Mansell said...

Hi Drey,
Thanks so much for the fab review - I'm thrilled you enjoyed the book!
And i love your name too - have never come across it before. I loved discovering new names!
Jill Mansell

drey said...

Hi Jill ~

I love your characters, I've often thought they'd be fun to know in real life! Thank you for stopping in and commenting!!

"drey" is short for "Audrey". My mom loved Ms. Hepburn. :)

holdenj said...

Adding to my fall list! Looks like a super read.

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