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125. Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding...

October 14, 2010
three days to dead
Title: Three Days to Dead (Dreg City #1)
Author: Kelly Meding
ISBN-13: 9780553592863
Publisher: Random House, 2009
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository

FTC Disclosure: My copy of Three Days to Dead is my own. I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
I'm adding Kelly Meding to my list of authors to stalk. Because Three Days to Dead is good. Dang good! It grabbed me from the first few sentences:
I don't recall the first time I died, but I do remember the second time I was born. Vividly. Waking up on a cold morgue table surrounded by surgical instruments and autopsy paraphernalia, to the tune of the medical examiner's high-pitched shrieks of fright, is an unforgettable experience.

How could you not want to keep reading with that as the starting point? And it doesn't stop there either. Before I continue, I have to admit some confusion as to the numbers that start off each chapter. Until that was explained, the light bulb went on, and I went "duh!".

Three Days to Dead grabs you and drags you along as Evy tries to figure out how and why she died, who did it, and how to stay alive (this time). Because her resurrection has a time limit. As she races to piece together the events leading up to her death, she finds out that her death was nothing more than an insignificant part in a grand plan to bring evil into this world. Makes a girl feel real appreciated, doesn't it?

Kelly Meding has created a world where humans and non-humans are segregated, and a breed of Hunters are the only thing keeping the non-humans in line and out of sight of humans... And she keeps the action moving with nail-biting, fist-clenching scenes that you pray Evy makes it through. Urban fantasy fans, pick this up. You won't put it down until you're reading the very last page and heave a huge sigh of relief. Before you run out to pick up the next book (As Lie the Dead), of course!

drey's rating: 4/5 Excellent

Challenges: 100+


wheels209 said...

Hey Drey,
Score!!! I am hooked already. Great review. As you know I have a couple of books to read before I can get to this one. I will remember this book and the cover(wow!) when the time is right.

wheels209 said...

Hey Drey,
I did it..I downloaded this book. I am hopeless..Even after slapping myself silly I still pushed the buy button on my nook. Good news is I had a great time reading. It is everything you say the book is.

Take care my friend. Have a great weekend.

drey said...

OMG Steve. You didn't even give me time to reply to your first comment before you bought the book! :P Does this mean you've finished the book already?!?!

Have a great weekend yourself! :)

wheels209 said...

Hey Drey,
Thanks for the great comment. I had a good belly laugh. I think I scared Squeaky my new cat. lol.I am going to attempt to read both of the new books at the same time because there both very good. Wish me luck my friend. The nook rocks because I can flip between books and not loose my place.

Take care. Have a good one...

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