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124. Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning...

October 12, 2010
backstage pass
Title: Backstage Pass (Sinners on Tour #1)
Author: Olivia Cunning
ISBN-13: 9781402244421
ARC: 375 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository

FTC Disclosure: My copy of Backstage Pass was provided by the publisher for this review. I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
Get ready for wickedly hot scenes if you pick up Olivia Cunning's new erotic romance, Backstage Pass. Because there are a lot of 'em! So consider yourself warned--if that's not your thing, don't read this book!

But if you do pick it up, don't just read it for the sex--instead, read it for the characters that get you rooting for them to find their happily-ever-after. I liked Brian Sinclair--he's a sexy rock star, for goodness' sakes! And I liked Myrna's personality--she's smart and sassy, and just needed a little push to chill enough to go hang with rock stars (and start bossing 'em around--I like the bossing around!)... Of course, the way the chemistry sizzles between the two of them doesn't hurt either.

The rest of the boys are entertaining, too, and I'll definitely pick up the rest of the series if only to find out what happens to them. *grin* Let me know if you give this a whirl, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

drey's rating: 3/5 Good

Challenges: 100+, Pub


Tasha said...

I'll be adding this to my wishlist! Thanks for sharing.

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