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96. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White...

July 26, 2011
The first thing I noticed about Kiersten White's Paranormalcy was the cover.  So I added it to my library hold list.

Title: Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1)
Author: Kiersten White
ISBN-13: 9780061985843
Hardcover: 335 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2010
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Waukesha Public Library

drey's thoughts:
Evie is a typical sixteen-year-old.  She's sassy and snarky, carries a pink Taser around, and works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency tackling and tagging paranormals.  She's also the only one who can see past the glamour that paranormals wear.  Makes her pretty handy to have around, especially if you're ICAP...

One day, someone breaks into the ICAP facility where Evie lives.  He's captured, but won't say why he's there.  Evie's intrigued, naturally.  And then she starts dreaming of words, words from a prophecy unknown to her.  Then something starts killing the paranormals, and next thing you know Evie's on the run for her life.  Who can she turn to?  Where can she go?  What can she do?  She's not going to just roll over and die--she just met a boy for crying out loud!

Paranormalcy is cute and fun, because Evie is cute and fun.  Never mind that there's actually a plot and tension and action, everything flies quickly and flows nicely because the characters and their interactions are smooth and interesting.  You'll enjoy hanging out with Evie as she figures out that special is totally overrated, real-life boys are much more fun than TV characters, and siblings can be a total drain.

drey's rating: Excellent!  I can't believe this is a debut, but hey book #2, Supernaturally, is out soon!

Have you read Paranormalcy?  What did you think?


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