I've had Pale Demon sitting on my shelves for 3 weeks, and thought I'd better pick it up before it makes the return trip to the library unread...
Title: Pale Demon (Rachel Morgan #9)
Author: Kim Harrison
ISBN-13: 9780061138065
Hardcover: 439 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins, 2011
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository
Source: Waukesha Public Library
drey's thoughts:
Well. Rachel starts out this installment neck-deep in doo-doo, as she has to head to San Francisco to plead against her shunning. But can she trust the Coven members to live up to their end of the bargain?
None of her cohorts think so, but all Rachel has at this point is hope. And then Trent comes bearing an offer--get him to Seattle in three days and he'll help her through the trial. Can she trust him?
The better question would be: Can a demon-witch, a pixie, a vampire, and an elf survive a road-trip together? Especially when there are day-walking demons about, assassins on their trail, and wickedly devious goings-on? I guess you're going to have to read Pale Demon and find out. Poor Rachel. All she wants is to be left alone. And alive, of course. Getting to that point in one piece wouldn't be too much to ask for, would it?
drey's rating: Excellent! Loved this latest installment--lots of action, and definitely a ton of character development. I wonder where Ms. Harrison's going to take Rachel next?
Have you read Pale Demon? What did you think?
Ashes of a Black Frost (11/1) | The Shattered Vine (11/3)
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Haven't read it yet, but can see where a road trip can help keep things fresh and exciting!
I read this book when it first came out (I love this series), and I thought Pale Demon was the best book yet, I’m with you, I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Book Savvy Babe
I love this book - I read it when it first came out and had been waiting it seems for ever to arrive. Thanks for sharing today.
This is definitely my favorite Rachel Morgan so far... :)
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