David Cristofano has earned degrees in Government & Politics and Computer Science from the University of Maryland at College Park and has worked for different branches of the Federal Government for over a decade. His short works have been published by Like Water Burning and McSweeneys. He currently works in the Washington, D.C. area where he lives with his wife, son and daughter. THE GIRL SHE USED TO BE is his first novel.
On to the Q&A...
d: When did you decide you wanted to write? How long did this story percolate before you put it on paper?
DC: I started thinking I had a novel in me about ten years ago. Turns out I did. A lousy one. The up side is that it was a long lousy one—the equivalent of a trilogy—and I managed to get a lot of kinks out of my writing during that time. As for THE GIRL SHE USED TO BE (my third novel, first published), the story had been on my list, so to speak, along with seven or eight others, though not fully in focus. Writing the novel was a lot like going to the grocery store for a chicken and walking out with red snapper. The story morphed significantly over time (it was originally told from a male perspective). In the end, it turned out I really wanted fish all along.
d: Jonathan was kinda creepy, when I first "met" him. Like, "Hello! Stalker!" Was that intentional? If not, do you like how it ended up being? (I can't be the only one to think stalker-ish thoughts, right?)
DC: Indeed, Jonathan is a stalker—quite literally, really—as he has followed Melody with great regularity over the years. His intentions may be different from your typical stalker, though. Melody eventually finds out just how present he has been in her life—and how influential. He is part stalker, part guardian angel.
d: Melody ends up in a better place, physically, but how did she get there? All the other identities she's had, the Feds provided, including paperwork, etc. Is it that easy to get lost in a big city?
DC: The interesting thing about the Federal Witness Protection Program is that it re-creates the individual. All that official paperwork becomes a bit of an albatross. Not only are you a new person, you are officially a new person. Part of the plan is to make it look like the new individual always existed. But like runaways, sometimes the hardest people to find are the ones that completely fall off the grid.
d: Melody's emotional health is a thread running through the entire story. Can you PLEASE tell me that she'll be alright? Growing up essentially hiding from everyone, then "losing" the one person she finally could trust, that's got to leave a scar... (yup, I worried about her)
DC: Melody is certainly on the edge through the entire novel, getting through a hybrid worst-case scenario on a daily basis. And her ultimate fate was once again thrust upon her, just like every other change in her identity. I suppose like most folks she is left with the one trait that gets any of us through the day: hope.
And, my new favorite way to end an interview:
What is your idea of earthly happiness? Remember when Hostess made Chocodiles? Those were a true earthly delight.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? A parent outliving a son or daughter.
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in fiction? Juliet. Jamie Sullivan from A Walk to Remember is up there, too.
Who is/are your favorite heroine(s) in real life? My wife.
What sound do you love? The sound of snowflakes—when you get a snow so thick that it causes an absence of ambient noise and you can actually hear the snowflakes collecting.
What sound do you hate? My alarm clock.
The quality you admire most in a man? Honesty.
The quality you admire most in a woman? The ability to keep a man honest.
If not a writer, you would be a restaurant critic.
What is your favorite swear word? Actually, my favorites are the overspun, ridiculous-sounding clean versions that possess virtually no impact whatsoever: sugar, fudge, heckfire.
Find David Cristofano at his website, which is pretty cool, and where there are more Q&As. Read my review of The Girl She Used to Be, here.

For one entry, comment about the FBI. Anything about the FBI. =) As usual, +1 for following, +2 for sharing this with the world. Yup, that's +2 for each share. Come back & tell me where/how...
Regular HBG rules apply - U.S. and Canada only, no P.O. boxes. Sorry!
If you can't wait to find out if you've won, click on the cover to get this lovely book at Amazon.
The FBI was established in 1908.
Blogged about the book giveaway @ http://theblackcell.com/blogs/?p=12305
"The quality you admire most in a woman? The ability to keep a man honest."
Great response! And awesome interview!
A comment about the FBI: My friend got a spam email asking for some personal information in order to provide him with something. I don't remember the details. It was one of those "personal" spam emails, like the good 'ole one where a good Christian woman is dying and wants to give all of her belongings to someone who is going to carry on with her desires and do good things with her estate.
So my friend responded very positively, expressed how excited he was to have this opportunity, and asked her to please send any further correspondence to him at...and then linked to an email address at the local FBI office.
We just got a kick out of the idea that a spammer *might* respond to the address of the FBI!
Great interview!
Comment about the FBI: J. Edgar Hoover - says it all!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
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nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I tweeted this contest. Tweet address is:
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Don't enter me. Just wanted to say I enjoyed the interview. I use the same kind of cuss words he does - my favorite is froot loops.
FBI? Federal Boob Inspector?
The FBI Academy is located in Quantico, Virginia.
I follow!
Thanks for the interview, loved reading it. The Girl She Used to Be is on my 2009 Favorite Books list. Really liked it!!!
David and I graduated from the same college. Small World. The FBI has a cyber mission that hunts down people who create malicious code and also finds online sexual predators.
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The FBI's official website is http://www.fbi.gov/
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The FBI website uses the term "hiring blitz" to describe their need for new employees. Is that a little frightening to anyone else?
Please include me in the giveaway.
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We had the FBI show up at work a month ago to arrest a person - was quite the experience. Freaked everybody out - had the building surrounded with black cars - quite wild actually.
msboatgal at aol.com
I follow your blog
msboatgal at aol.com
It wasn't until 1935 that it was called the Federal Bureau of Investigation, before that it was the Division of Investigation and the Bureau of Investigation. I learned that at www.fbi.gov/kids, the FBI website for children. Thanks
my comment about the FBI is that I wish the season of Veronica Mars had happened where she was working for the FBI.
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I blogged about this here:
FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation lol I'm a dork, I know
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Great blog. Growing up I wanted to work for the FBI. I'm a follower. house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com
Have a great day.
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I shared with the world via Facebook
One of my friends got a call from the FBI when they were doing a background check on someone. I follow your RSS feed.
If you Google the FBI, you can actually look at the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives list and Usama Bin Laden is on there.
I tweeted about this here:
I blogged about this here:
Blogged about it here:
Thanks for another great giveaway.
I posted this giveaway on Win A Book. No need to enter me, though.
FBI Headquarters is currently located in the J. Edgar Hoover Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC
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I included this in a blog post.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
How many people are in The Witness Protection program?
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Been wanting to read this one.
FBI=Federal Bureau of Investigation
shelcows AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted about this one!
The Canadian equivalent to the FBI is the Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS is responsible for "protecting the national security interests of Canada by investigating and reporting on threats to the security of Canada."
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The FBI's motto is "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity."
Please count me in - Thanks!
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
J. Edgar Hoover, past director of the FBI, was a secret cross-dresser.
I am a subscriber
In Canada we have the CSIS instead of FBI.
This looks great! Please enter me!
My favorite FBI agents? Scully & Mulder. :)
Hmm . . . I hope to never be investigated by the FBI?!
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
I'm a follower :)
jgbeads AT gmail DOT com
i watch criminal minds which is supposedly based on bau at the fbi in quantico does that count
If there was a knock at my door and I opened it and two men announced they were the FBI.. I'd pass out... the FBI scares me and I am a good person... I would hate to be a criminal and have them after me.
Thanks for the giveaway
Great interview!
The FBI? I love the FBI. For a while I really wanted to be an agent for the FBI or the CIA. I even looked at their employment/recruitment information. Unfortunately, I don't qualify in any of the categories they're looking for. I don't speak a highly desired language, I don't know cryptography, I'm not a computer genius, I'm not in law enforcement, and I don't have any US government connections, foreign contacts, or extensive experience with or knowledge of any foreign government. Therefore, my odds of being able to get a job with them are very low. Which is sad, because that really was my dream career. But, even if they did hire me, it'd only be answering phones or sorting mail or something really low on the totem pole like that, with no hope of advancement. :-( Man, now I'm depressed again.
Please enter me for the giveaway. Thanks!
I'm also subscribed to your blog, if that counts for anything. :-)
I intend to join the FBI...maybe I shouldn't be posting that on a blog.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
This is in my right sidebar at bookjunkiereviews.blogspot.com they're sorted by deadline date.
Don't enter me, Drey! I just had to tell you that you did a GREAT interview again! :)
Just want to say gr~8 interview.
I went to the FBI building in Washington, DC in 1994 on a high school trip. We saw a shooting demonstration.
I find the FBI scarry. I can't believe that was the origional intention when they were founded.
I blogged about your giveaway: http://teddyrose.blogspot.com/2009/04/giveaways-galore.html
I follow.
I'm currently reading J. A. Konrath's Jack Daniels series and the main character doesn't much like the FBI.
Those FBI guys are from the govt, so you can trust them, really! They are JUST TRYING TO HELP!
I'm a subscriber.
Karen - http://booksontheknob.blogspot.com/
I always think about the 'Red Scare' and Communism in America when I think about the FBI. And Hoover, of course Hoover. And the Mafia.
Please don't enter me in the give-away, because I already have it and read it in two sittings! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the interview. It was very insightful and I appreciate David's honesty. :) Thanks for sharing him with us!
Also, yes, I love Miriam as much as you.
Nice interview! I love to watch Criminal Minds because it's about the FBI solving crimes. Thanks for having this giveaway.
I am a subscriber!
FBI’s FY 2009 budget proposes to continue to add new Special Agent positions to
acquire the capabilities needed to perform the FBI’s national security and criminal investigative missions.
I would love to be in the FBI, but I would never pass the background check. You can't have a single skeleton in your closet!
About the FBI: We don't have that in Canada. ;) My favourite TV show is "Criminal Minds" which is about the BAU branch of the FBI.
I'd love to read this book. Please enter me. I follow your blog via Blogger's follow function.
my first time here.
I'm not American, so I almost feel like it would be rude for me to comment on the FBI ;-)
I've been hearing great buzz about this book, and the cover is very pretty.
M. ~ I'm not an American, either. Feel free. =)
Im Canadian so we've got the CSIS (its v. similar).
Ps I follow
I have a very good friend who is a in the FBI. Please include me in your giveaway.
A guy from the FBI came to visit our school on career day when I was in the 5th grade. We kept asking the poor guy if he ever got to kill people, and he said that working for the FBI was paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. I don't know if it was his intention to dissuade us or not, but we all thought that he seemed very depressed, and it dampened any enthusiasm that we might have had for working for the FBI.
Alicia Webster
Thank you for a great giveaway. I would love to win. The FBI is in Virginia. THank you
I'm scared of the FBI. But I'd still like to win :)
jaam121388 at yahoo dot com
So if the FBI is having a "hiring blitz", what happened to the former agents? Scary indeed. Some perverse part of me used to think it would be interesting to work for the FBI.
FBI Federal Bureau Investigation
weblynx at hotmail.com
I wonder if anyone working for the FBI watches all the recent shows featuring FBI agents? (I wonder strange things...and I watched Bones yesterday.)
and I posted about the contest on my sidebar: http://book-splot.blogspot.com/
this book's been on my wishlist for months so I've got my fingers crossed :)
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