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Tour & Giveaway: 108. How Perfect is That by Sarah Bird...

July 7, 2009
Today's tour is for Sarah Bird's How Perfect is That...

About the book:

Because if you do, the piranhas will get you. Blythe Young, Austin socialite, has two secrets she can't allow to escape: she's actually high-flying trailer trash, and her divorce left her penniless. Before becoming Mrs. Henry "Trey" Biggs-Dix III, Blythe owned the exclusive catering company Wretched Xcess, and for the second time she's determined to fake it 'til she makes it--passing off warehouse club taquitos as Petites Tournedos Béarnaise à la Mexicaine and relying on her own private concoction of Stoli and pharmaceuticals as a substitute for sleep.

But then a blabber-mouthed accountant puts the IRS on Blythe's trail at a most unfortunate moment--just when her catering staff turns vicious about missing pay, and a garden party of Austin belles sniffs out the Crisco in the pâté. There's no option except to cut and run. Blythe's been ducking calls from her friend Millie for over a decade, but now Millie is the only person with a heart big enough to take her in. So, just one step ahead of the law, Blythe sputters in on fumes of gas to the fleabag co-op boarding house at the University of Texas where the two met and that Millie still runs.

What do you do when you hit bottom? Sharing a bathroom again with anyone--let alone computer geeks and white Rasta wannabes--wasn't in Blythe's game plan. But in a time when both new and old money can turn into no money before you can say Jimmy Choo, Blythe's story is a morality tale for the new millennium as, with the help of her reluctant housemates, she faces down the crème de la crème of Austin society one last time, and by doing so finds the way out of her own ethical quagmire.

About the author:
Sarah Bird lives with her family in Austin, Texas, where she performs her own material regularly at the Hyde Park Theatre. She is the author of six previous novels, including The Flamenco Academy and The Yokota Officers Club. Check out her fanclub site,

drey's thoughts:
Blythe, Blythe, Blythe. How I wanted to step into the story to smack you upside the head... Alas, that cannot be, and you went on your merry way, leaving chaos in your wake.

How Perfect is That is a frothy little concoction of Blythe's misadventures in the world of pretending-to-be-rich (if not famous). She manages to marry into money, but is thrown back out on the curb (the why of it isn't quite explained). Her "friends" are ignoring her--or worse, gossiping about her. Her employees are staging a mutiny because they haven't been paid. Her car has been repossessed. She doesn't have anywhere to live. And somehow (this isn't explained either) the IRS is looking for her. But does Blythe give up & go away? No. Instead, she's trying to hang on to her (pre-divorce) life by the tips of her fingernails. After all, she can't go from wearing Zac Posen, to Wal-Mart couture, can she?

So Blythe does what she does best--fake it. And when she's caught, she runs to the only person she can think of who can still stand her (maybe). Millie was Blythe's college roommate, and she's one of those people who would help you no matter what--her heart's just that big. She takes Blythe in, and Blythe repays her kindness by bringing her personal blend of chaos into Millie's life.

When Blythe's actions threaten the very existence of the boarding house and spells the end of Millie's community endeavors, everyone is up in arms, and Blythe's last refuge may just spit her back out to the curb. She finally grows up enough to recognize that she can help them out of the hole she's dug, even if she has to grovel for the chance to do it.

How Perfect is That is frothy, yes. It is also a journey in recognizing that life doesn't revolve around what you want it to, and the choices that you make ultimately define the person you are.

Thanks to Pocket Books, I have two copies of How Perfect is That for you. Rules:
-- Contest is open to US and Canada residents, no PO Boxes please!
-- To enter, comment and share: if you could be ANYONE else in this world, who would it be and why?
-- Follow for 1 extra entry.
-- Share for 2 extra entries (let me know what & where, please).
-- Do it all before 6:00 pm CST July 20th. Good luck!

Tour stops:
Jenn’s Bookshelf
All About {n}
A Journey of Books
Book Soulmates
Booking Mama
Bookin’ with “BINGO”
My Guilty Pleasures
Just Jennifer Reading
Wendy’s Minding Spot
Bella’s Novella
Living Life and Reading Books
Book N Around
The Eclectic Book Hoarder
Pick of the Literate
The Epic Rat
A Book Bloggers Diary
Horror and Fantasy Book Review
Find The Time To Read
Gaijin Mama
Blog Business World
Carolina Gal’s Literary Café
My Book Views
Me, My Book and the Couch
Joanne Huspek's Blog
Power in the Blog
Marta’s Meanderings


Pam said...

I don't know who else I would be. I guess it would depend on for how long. For example, I'd love to be Queen Elizabeth for a day to see what it's like to run a monarchy but that would be plenty for me. I'd also love to be Jada Pinkett Smith for a couple of days just to hang out with, cuddle with, and perhaps kiss Will Smith but then I'd miss my hubby and kids...

melacan at hotmail dot com

Cryssloves said...

That is a very interesting question indeed! I'm quite happy with my life... but putting myself in anyone elses shoes for a day would be an amazing learning experience. I think I would like to go back to the medevil days and be a peasant and see what that is like!

crystalmarieporter at gmail dot com

doreen lamoureux said...

I would like to be one of royalty. One who is taken care of and has whatever she desires...yup

doreen lamoureux said...

I subscribe by email...

bermudaonion said...

Oh my, who would I be? I think I would like to be someone who quietly makes a difference in other people's lives - maybe a teacher or a doctor. milou2ster(at)

scottsgal said...

I don't think I'd change to be anyone - I like what I have and who I am.

msboatgal at

housemouse88 said...

I wouldn't want to be anyone else. I'll deal with my own problems. I'm a follower.

house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com

KR said...

I love who I am. I'd like to be myself 23 years ago as a new Mom. I loved my childrens childhoods and would love to experience it all over again.


nfmgirl said...

I would be Jane Goodall. She's such a strong and dignified woman, and has accomplished so much in her life. I really admire her.

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

nfmgirl said...

I follow

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Mari said...

No clue. I like being me. :) It would be interesting to live the life of the Queen for the day, though.

Luvdaylilies said...

Nope, I just want to be me=)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Luvdaylilies said...

I'm a follower~
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Unknown said...

I'd like to step back in time and see what it felt like to be the artist Frida Kahlo. I'd love to get a glimpse at how she felt about her life.

jgbeads at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a follower :)

jgbeads at gmail dot com

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

No need to enter me, babe. I'm letting you know I have this posted at Win a Book. Thanks for the e-mail!

budletsmom said...

I don't think I would want to be anyone famous as I am a private person. I am a stay at home mom and the only thing I would change would be having more time, energy and money - that would be nice. I would love to be able to do more with my son while he is young. I also wouldn't mind being a lot thinner LOL.

This book sounds really fun.

budletsmom at yahoo dot com

budletsmom said...

I follow.

budletsmom at yahoo dot com

dag888888 said...

Anthony Bourdain!


Lee P said...

Wow, hard question-If I could be anyone I would have to choose Salvador Dali. First I'm a female so that would be really hard. I'd like to be him because I love painting and his work is very surreal. I like his paintings. Thanks for this giveaway and interesting way to enter. You really made me think!Please count me in.


dag888888 said...

I follow and subscribe!

Lee P said...

I follow


Valorie said...

I can't imagine wanting to be anyone in the present day. I could pick someone rich and famous, I guess, just to be rich and famous... but I am not too terribly interested in rich/famous people enough to pick one. I would go back in time and be Livia.


Valorie said...

I follow.


Lorie Shewbridge said...

If I could take my husband and children along for the ride, I think I would like to be a princess in Ireland in the 1800's (with indoor plumbing). :-) I love the clothing, the country, the history, and the culture.
Thanks for the chance to win this book.

Becca said...

I don’t think I could pick a name but if I could be anyone I would love to be a musician, not in a rock band but like an orchestra or something like that. I have always loved music and even play some and enjoy it but I would like to be actually good at it.

Becca said...

I'm a follower.


Becca said...

I blogged about it here:


throuthehaze said...

I dont know who I would want to be exactly...I wouldnt mind being a very rich non famous person (I wouldnt want all the attention) though.

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...


throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Nicole said...

I wouldn't want to be anyone else permanently, but it would be fun to be royalty for a week or two.

I follow.

Kat Bryan said...

I think it would be neat to be Rachel Ray for a while. She has an interesting job, gets to travel, and has a great personality.

I'm a follower/subscriber.

winterset at

tashiana said...

I would be Oprah. She's rich, compassionate, and intelligent.

I'm a follower. :D

wheresmyrain said...

tough question, but if i could be someone else it would be eve ensler, she has accomplished so much and is doing so much all the time to help people and be creative and contribute in a postive way, i would love to be doing that at such a high level

Mozi Esme said...

I kinda like being myself! It'd be interesting to be David Livingstone, though...

And I'm a follower.

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Beth (BBRB) said...

This looks fun! Please enter me!

Hmm, I'd have to go with Alessandra Ambrosio. Why? The body, the money, the awesome job! :)

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Beth (BBRB) said...

I'm a subscriber via Google Reader.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

ChristyJan said...

I would like to be Amelia Earhart (for 1 day) it would be fun to be brave and daring (the opposite of what I am)


rubynreba said...

I would have to pick my grandmother. She is no longer living but she lived in a simpler time with not a lot of money yet she was very happy and caring. They lived off the land and had a good life.

enyl said...

I would be Jesus, so that I could save the world.


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I would like to win this book,
many thanks for the giveaway.

Rebecca Cox said...

I would like to be the Dali Llama. He is completely at peace with himself and the universe and peace is something I have never been able to find.

rebecca dot cox at charter dot net

Rebecca Cox said...

I follow your blog
rebecca dot cox at charter dot net

Rebecca Cox said...

I tweeted at ccqdesigns

Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I honestly wouldn't be anyone else; I would change some things in my life, certainly, but there are too many people I love. If I could keep those people around, I'd be someone--anyone!--who writes for a living.

Thank you!


Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I am a blog follower via Blogger; thanks!


Lesley (aka Upper West Side Writer) said...

I Tweeted for a fourth (?) time about one of your great giveaways:

Thanks for hosting so many!


Debs Desk said...

I would love to be included in your giveaway. If I could be anyone else it would be someone who did not have to work and could sit on the beach all day and read.

Belinda M said...

I would love to be cleopatra. I have always been fascinated by the time in history and living it would be amazing

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at


Belinda M said...

I have shared your giveaway here

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at


Trish said...

Wow! It makes me happy to see that so many people answered the way I do: I like who I am! (Now, a little extra cash, I wouldn't turn down ;)

Trish said...

I follow!

CherylS22 said...

I don't think I'd want to be anyone but myself. But, if I'd have to be someone else, I'd want to be someone like Catherine Zeta Jones - beautiful, happy, in a good marriage with wonderful children & wealthy.

megalon22 at yahoo dot com

CherylS22 said...

I follow

megalon22 at yahoo dot com

DarcyO said...

If I had to be someone else, it would be somebody with great pipes like Aretha or Celine.


DarcyO said...

I follow your blog.


Kristi said...

I would be Virginia Madsen - She is gorgeous and funny (and since my hubby has the hots for her we would still be together!) :)

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Kristi said...

I follow.

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Ally said...

If I could be anyone right now it would be Oprah because I'm pretty sure the recession isn't phasing her.

allygotts567 at hotmail dot com

Ally said...

I follow via email.

allygotts567 at hotmail dot com

Debb said...

Just want to be me...

Esme said...

Who would I choose to be...a great opera singer-on stage for a night.

chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

Esme said...


chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

Debbie F said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

If I could be anyone else in the world I would be Oprah. I would love to be able to talk to all the different people she does! And there's the money too!


Debbie F said...

I follow via Google Reader



Debbie F said...

I posted this on twitter



coffeeeeeeeee said...

If I could be ANYONE else in this world, who would it be and why?

I would be Rachael Ray, because I love New York City, I love cooking, and I think it would be really cool to live a day in her life.

I'm a follower :)

coffeeeeeeeee said...

I forgot!


DCMetroreader said...

I would be Angelina Jolie. Why? Brad Pitt need I say more?

Thanks for the giveaway!

DCMetroreader said...


DCMetroreader said...

Posted on my blog under current giveaways.

BurtonReview said...

What a tough qustion! If I could be any one in the world, I would love to be Halle Berry just for a day.. she is beautiful, seems happy and has gorgeous clothes. How shallow is that..which is why it's just for a day. Although life is tough for all of us, I enjoy being ME. I love my little family!

Please enter me, I would love to win this book!
marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance!
Marie of The Burton Review

Anonymous said...

If I could be anyone...I would be married to Tiger Woods!!!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

Esme said...

tweeted: giveaway for How Perfect is That

chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com

Gaby317 said...

This is tough - I guess I'd like to try being Michelle Obama, largely to see what that would be like. First Lady of the US must be amazing.

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

Gaby317 said...

i follow

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com

mrsshukra said...

J K Rowling!


mrsshukra said...

I'm a follower!

herblady said...

I would love to be a wealthy philanthropist for any amount of time, because there are so many causes I would like to support financially that I just cannot do now and some of them break my heart to turn down. Everyone is hurting for money now and there are so many righteous causes.

herblady said...

I'm a follower.

ossmcalc said...

I don't want to be anyone else. I have walked in these moccasins, made my own decisions, and deal with these two illnesses for which there is no cure on a daily basis.

thank you,


ossmcalc said...

I shared on Facebook under the name of ossmcalc.

Thank you,


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