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222. The Awakening by L.J. Smith...

December 8, 2009
vampire diariesAbout the book:
Searching for the ultimate thrill, she vowed to have Stefan.

Haunted by his tragic past, he struggled to resist her passion.

Driven by revenge, he hunted the brother who betrayed him.

drey's thoughts:
I have to admit, I wasn't terribly impressed by The Vampire Diaries so far... I picked it up because others have mentioned it, and it is now a TV show on the CW (The Vampire Diaries on CW).

But, I didn't like Elena. Why do all these YA books have main characters who're the queen bee at their school? Ok, so maybe not ALL... Elena is popular, at the top of the social food chain, and completely unsympathetic when she's frustrated that Stefan won't pay attention to her. Like, hello. Can you spell b-r-a-t any other way? I guess the fact that she's lost her parents is supposed to make her more human or something, but it didn't work. She's still annoying and bratty.

I'm not too sure about Stefan either. He seems to be a little too broody. Kinda like a certain vampire-who-shall-not-be-named, but at least he doesn't sparkle... *grin* Or, rather, the other way 'round, probably. Since this was written way earlier...

Anyway. Don't love the book. But I'll give the next few a try & see if I at least like the series...

Title: The Awakening (The Vampire Diaries #1)
Author: L.J. Smith
ISBN-10: 0061020001
ISBN-13: 9780061020001
Paperback: 276 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins, 1999

Challenges: 100+, 1st in Series, Support Your Local Library, Vampire

Disclosure: My copy of The Vampire Diaries was on loan from my local library for a few weeks...


Ladytink_534 said...

I haven't tried watching the show but I'd like to try the books. My library doesn't have any of them though :(

photoquest said...

I haven't read any of the books but LOVE the t.v. series starting next Monday they are showing all their shows I think back to back. I would love to read the books after watching the show. Check the listings for the series.

Ashley said...

I only read the first book in the series because I really didn't like Elena. She just has an attitude that makes her unlikable to me.

The show doesn't seem too bad, though I've only seen a few episodes.

drey said...

I haven't seen the show... I know it's on, but I've been busy (reading!) lately, lol!!

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