-- Contest is open to US residents only (some will also be open to Canadian residents, and I will identify this by the book), no PO Boxes please!
-- Follow for 1 extra entry. I am going to be very particular about this--I must be able to verify this, so please let me know where you follow, and how I can identify you. Email address (Feedburner email), name (facebook NetworkedBlogs), twitter id, blogger profile page, etc.
-- To enter, comment and tell me which book you'd like. If the book is not picked, it will be up tomorrow, and etc... You will need to re-enter each day if you still want the book!
-- Make sure there's an email address (you at email dot com).
-- Do it all before 10:00 pm CST. Good luck!
Today's books are...
Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea (US/Canada)
Last Light Over Carolina by Mary Alice Monroe (US only)
Naamah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey (US/Canada)

I would like Into the Beautiful North. It's been on my wishlist for a while now and since it's open to Canada :)
melacan at hotmail dot com
And I follow with Google friend connect on my google reader (melacan)
Last Light Over Carolina by Mary Alice Monroe
I am a Google Friend Connect Follower and a subscriber.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I'd love to win Into the Beautiful North. Thanks! :)
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah Emmerson
I follow via Twitter (@saemmerson).
saemmerson at yahoo dot com
Sarah Emmerson
Congrats to Anna! I am going to try for Into the Beautiful North again.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
I also follow you through google friends.
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com
i follow you with google reader
I would pick Last Light Over Carolina.
I follow under pbclark.
Please enter me for 'last light over carolina' thanks.
Please enter me for 'last light over carolina' thanks.
I'm an email subscriber :)
Well, I see the book I was trying for has been given away! (sigh) Congrats to Anna for winning it. So, now, I'll try for Last Light Over Carolina. It sounds interesting and what a lovely cover!
reading_frenzy at yahoo dot com
Thanks for this lovely giveaway. Into the Beautiful North would be great. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
I'd like to read Last Light Over Carolina. Thanks for the chance.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I follow with Google Friend Connect.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I would love to win Last Light Over Carolina. Please enter me. Thanks!
I would like to be entered for Naamah's Kiss!
I subscribe via Feedburner.
I'd like to read Into The Beautiful North.
I'm trying for Beautiful North again.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
I follow by email subscription.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
Light over Carolina is my choice
msboatgal at
follow via email subscription
msboatgal at
I would love Into the Beautiful North.
I subscriber via Google Reader.
Naamah's Kiss looks very interesting!
I follow on blogger.
I'd love to read "Naamah's Kiss" by Jacqueline Carey.
Thanks ~ megalon22/at/yahoo/dot/com
I follow in Google Friend Connect (CherylS22) & subscribe in Google Reader (megalon22/at/yahoo/dot/com)
I'm going to keep trying for "Into the Beautiful North"! Thanks for the chance to win!
jewell330 at aim dot com
I would like Last Light Over Carolina.
I follow via Google friends.
Thanks for having the drawing.
I would love to win “Naamah’s Kiss” by Jacueline Carey.
I follow you in my e-mail and Twitter:
Linda (at) gordonvalley (dot) com
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