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128. First Lord's Fury by Jim Butcher...

October 19, 2010
first lord's fury
Title: First Lord's Fury (Codex Alera #6)
Author: Jim Butcher
ISBN-13: 9780441017690
Hardcover: 465 pages
Publisher: Penguin Group, 2009
Purchase at IndieBound, Amazon, The Book Depository

FTC Disclosure: My copy of First Lord's Fury came from my local library, and almost had to return un-read... I am an affiliate at IndieBound, The Book Depository, and Amazon, and any purchases made by clicking on the cover or the links provided may result in monetary compensation.

drey's thoughts:
I had been losing interest in Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series, but had to pick up this installment to see if Tavi fulfills his destiny. After all, once you've slogged through five of these books, what's one more?

First Lord's Fury is an epic conclusion to the series that started off with a bang and kinda swam around a bit in the middle... At least, for me it did (I know there are a lot of fans of the series). The story travels along at a quick clip, moving from scene to scene without any wasted words. All the loose ends are tied up nicely, which was satisfying because you get to finally find out what happens to whom. And let me tell you, some of those endings were fitting, indeed!

Pick this series up if you're a die-hard Jim Butcher fan, or have loved the previous five books.

drey's rating: 3/5 Good

Challenges: 100+, Support Your Local Library


wheels209 said...

Hey Drey,
I don't think you have ever used the word slogged in a review before. You just had to do it for one of my favorite authors and stories. I feel a bit wounded for Jim's sake. At least you gave the book a good rating and that is good. I am only playing with you my friend but remember that most books even the good ones tend to be sloggish and drift in the middle. I find that if I can stick with a book till the end I will be richly rewarded.

Have a great week,

drey said...

Yikes! Did I just get called out here? *hides*

I love his Dresden Files books, but this series was mostly ok--not one of my favorites.

I thought this book was good, and the ending was satisfying. And I used to think that if I stuck with a series, just getting to the resolution would be heaven. But I gave up on Raymond Feist and Robert Jordan--those books just seemed to drag on and on and on, and (even worse!) without any truly new development... And at some point you can only be the best(est) for so long before I start going "booooooooooooring!"...

Thanks for commenting!! Have a great week yourself!

tiffany.amber said...

So happy to see this review. I love the Dresden files and have been trying to decide whether to read this now, hmmmm? Any recommendations for something as delicious as Dresden?

drey said...

tiffany.amber ~ Let's see... I did enjoy Rob Thurman's Cal Leandros series, if you like urban fantasy with male protagonists... :)

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