* Hardcover? Or paperback?
* Illustrations? Or just text?
* First editions? Or you don’t care?
* Signed by the author? Or not?
I love hardcovers, but as fast as I read, they get pretty pricy. So, I usually buy paperbacks instead. Also, I can pack more of 'em on my bookshelves if they're paperback... I don't particularly care if there are illustrations or not. First editions? If I'm lucky. And if they're signed by the author, that's cool. =)
I buy only used hardcovers, which are usually cheaper than even the used paperbacks. :D
Oh but I also buy paperbacks, too, used or new. Only the trade ones, not mass market.
Honestly, I don't think I've ever really thoughts about what I prefer. I just buy the first book that grabs my attention by title or cover and go from there......
What a system huh!
lol, I'm cheap. When you have a limited budget, and book thru, er, books as fast as I do, you kinda have to be picky... =)
I purchase hardcovers, paperbacks, trade... I love books. I just can't wait 9-12 months for my faves to reach paperback status. I am impatient.
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