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drey's Giveaway Policy

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Giveaway - All SIX Kitty Norville books!

February 2, 2009

I'm so excited about this giveaway! To celebrate (& if you're a fan, you're celebrating!) the release of Carrie Vaughn's Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand, I am giving away TWO full sets of the Kitty Norville series - one each to two VERY lucky winners, courtesy of Hachette Book Group! This set includes book #6, Kitty Raises Hell, which is due out on March 1st. I'm psyched! Are you??

This is one of my favorite series. Kitty is the almost-perfect heroine. She's smart. She's sassy (I love sassy). She takes a while, but eventually figures out that she can do something about the things that she doesn't like, without compromising her own values. =) AND she has good taste in music. What more can you ask for in a werewolf? Oh, yeah. A good story. =) Read my reviews of Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand and Kitty Raises Hell.

Giveaway details:
This giveaway will run till 11:59pm on February 22nd, and is open to US & Canada residents only. Sorry, no P.O. Boxes - HBG rules.

To enter, leave a comment and tell me whether you've read these books before. If you have, did you like it? What did you like about it? Who's your favorite character? Why? If you haven't, why do these books interest you? What other werewolf characters do you like? Who wrote the book(s)?

No one-word or one-sentence answers, please. This six-book set deserves more than that! THIS STEP MUST BE DONE FOR YOUR ENTRY TO COUNT! Please don't do this multiple times - you'll be disqualified. Also, make sure your entry has an email address somewhere so that I can contact you if you're a winner.

Follow my blog for an additional entry. Existing followers count, too. Comment & let me know. Blog about this giveaway for two more entries. Comment with the link to your actual post.

And don't forget to come back & find out if you've won. Winners will have 5 days to get me their mailing info, after which I'll draw a replacement. Good luck!!

link love: Check out West of Mars - Win a Book for more Kitty giveaways!


Unknown said...

I have not read this series before but I have been wanting to. I love books that are about a woman kicking ass. I also love anything that is about the paranormal. I love werewolves and one of my favorites is Elena from Bitten by Kelley Armstrong. Carrie Vaughn is the author of these books. I am a follower. My email address is bridget3420(at)yahoo(dot)com

drey said...

bridget3420 ~ You're my first entry! w00t! (can you tell I've been waiting impatiently for someone to enter?!?!?! =)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

aww, Drey, thanks for the link love! I appreciate that!

No need to enter me (although I'm tempted, believe me!) -- I've had Kitty and the Midnight Hour sitting here for years, waiting for me to get to it. Believe me, it's been hard to resist, ex-DJ that I am....

Anyway, thanks a ton for the e-mail. I've got this listed at Win a Book for you.

K Giardina said...

Thanks for the contest, and I'd love to be entered.
The Kitty series has been on by TBR shelf for several (ahem) months.

Best regards,


Anonymous said...

I'm loving urban fantasy right now. I haven't read this series by Carrie Vaughn but I have been wanting to for awhile from the the reviews I've read on other sites. One of my favorite werewolves would be Billy from the Dresden files.

Anonymous said...

I have not read these books. A friend of mine has told me over and over and over again to read them. I was always too lazy to buy them. She will feel vindicated if I win.

Wonderful giveaway,

Janicu said...

I've had book 2, (Kitty Goes to Washington is it?) for a while, but only last month got book 1, so it's on my TBR. I guess I can't really comment on the books yet since I haven't read them, but I did stare at the back blurb if that counts? :) So, let's see, I guess I'll just talk about another shapechanging series I like. The main character isn't a shapechanger, her love interest is. This is the series that consists of, so far: Magic Bites, Magic Burns, and Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews. It is set in Atlanta and there are these waves where Technology works and Magic doesn't and vice versa, and people just go about their daily business surrounded by shapechangers and vampires and so on. It's pretty interesting just for that, but then I like the main char and her love interest too.

drey said...

Susan ~ You're the absolute best! =)

drey said...

Janicu ~ I LOVE the Kate Daniels series! I am so trying to get my grubby mitts on a copy of Magic Strikes.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I read and reviewed the first five books on my blog in January. I really did like them, and loved how much stronger and more interesting Kitty gets with every book. I like that Kitty makes mistakes and gets herself into trouble, but doesn't freak out or cry, she gets up and deals with it. Cormac is my favorite character, a werewolf/vampire bounty hunter is always interesting especially when he's cute. I do wish Kitty would have gotten together with Cormac, and I missed his character in books 4 & 5. I also like the Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs. It stars Anna as an abused wolf who turns out to be a rare Omega wolf, and Charles, the son of North America's marrok (leader). I* like the contrast between Anna's vulnerability & Charles' strength. The prequel is in the anthology On the Prowl, and the first book is Cry Wolf.

I would love to own these. I read the first four from the library, and would really like to have my own copies of them. Thanks!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'm following your blog :)

Unknown said...

Awesome contest! I have not read this series but would really really like to!! I love werewolves which is why this series interests me. I'm a follower now.

nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com

donnas said...

I have read the first books in the series and cant wait to get the chance to read the 2 newest ones. I love them. My favorite character is of course Kitty, I mean how can you not love a werewolf named Kitty. I also really like the books by Kelley Armstrong, she has some good werewolf characters in there.

Thanks for the chance and great contest.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Darlene said...

Ooooooooh, pick me, pick me. My favorite vampire, werewolf-there's every kind in these books are the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. I also really like Elena in the Bitten series by Kelley Armstrong.

I already follow your blog and I know you can find me but here's my email address-lol:
bj19662001 (at) yahoo (dot) ca

Great giveaway Drey!

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

I'm so sad to say that I have yet to start this series. I really need to get my act together huh? This would be such an awesome win!!

Anywho (= I love Elena in Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld series. Being the only female werewolf has gotta be tough and she's just a kick-ass character!!

I follow your blog and I also posted the giveaway on my blog here:

*crosses fingers* Feb 20th seems sooo far away lol

Katie said...

Okay so I haven't read this series by Carrie Vaughn but I think I would like them. I love any paranormal romance such as the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton and the Twilight saga, of course. I follow your blog and would love to win this series. Thanks for the contest.

Zita said...

I have read the series, and I love, love, love it. Kitty is my fave character, of course, although her Mom is pretty cool, too. I like Kitty because she's so girly and thinks she's a (pardon the expression) 'fraidy-cat, but she's really not. She can dish it out and take it! As for other werewolves, there's Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series. And Kat Richardson did a great werewolf story in the "Wolfsbane and Mistletoe" anthology. And I really adore MaryJanice Davidson's Wyndham Werewolves, as well as Charlaine Harris's in her Southern Vampire series. Thanks for the great contest!

Zita (

drey said...

Mo ~ I love the irony of a werewolf named Kitty (I'm pretty sure Carrie planned it that way). I like Cormac, too. I was really bummed out when he went to prison. =( Good thing I actually like Ben, or I'd be wishing for some bad juju on that dude... I also like Cry Wolf, but haven't read the anthology. I love the Mercy Thompson series, and am trying to get my grubby mitts on Bone Crossed (yeah, my grubby mitts are EVERYWHERE!!!)... =)

donnas ~ I have been reading Kelley Armstrong's books, too. I like Elena and Jeremy.

Dar ~ I haven't read the Anita Blake books. I started the Merry series & just couldn't go any more...

Mishel ~ Thanks for sharing the love! =)

katie ~ I'm so WAITING for New Moon. It's taking FOREVER!

Zed-Aitch ~ Y'know, I keep thinking about how much Kitty does, I forget how much she doesn't want to fight, and how much she gets scared of the stuff that's scary. Smart gal, that Kitty. I haven't read the Wyndham Werewolves series.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Can you tell I'm scoping out new books? =P

Good luck!

Annie1 said...

I've not read any of them **hangs her head low**

But, I'd like too and then I'd pass them on to my dad!


Annie1 said...

I follow your blog and am subscribed via Google Reader!


Simply Stacie said...

I've read other reviews and heard that Carrie Vaughn is an amazing writer and that these books are really good. I like stories about vampires and werewolves and the suspense that goes along with it. I hope to win so I can get started on this series.

Simply Stacie said...

I follow you.

Dawn M. said...

I love the Kitty books! I've read books 1 - 4 and can't wait to read the newest ones. I was drawn to the first book because I thought it was so funny to have a werewolf named Kitty. I also liked that she was a DJ with a call in show that catered to the supernaturals. A nice change from most of the other urban fantasies out there. And from the first few pages of Kitty & The Midnight Hour, Kitty & Cormac have been my favorite characters. I just loved how they interacted with each other. I missed that in book 4, so I'm really hoping he gets out of prison soon.

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Dawn M. said...

I subscribe by google reader. :0)

Lexie said...

I haven't read the Kitty series yet, I keep meaning to pick up the first book from the library and then I get sidetracked. I don't have any other werewolf characters I particularly like, but I do like a were-lion? Curran from Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series is just wonderful. Of course I also love the fact that Kate is so unaware of just how possessive he is of her and just shrugs it off.

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

I haven't read these books before, but they sound right up my alley. I'm normally a vampire fiction gal, but werewolves are gaining interest with me, thanks so Sookie Stackhouse.

StyleVamp said...

I haven't read this series, however I was introduced to them by more then a few blog reviews. I'm interested more so after reading the reviews and a q & a from the arthur. The series seems pretty unique and action packed (I love books like this) ..would love & cherish the complete set :)

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine (a real life friend, no less!) recommended this series to me and actually gave me the first two. I haven't gotten to them yet, but have the best of intentions!

I don't have a favorite werewolf character at this point...the only other series I've read that has a werewolf (other than Twilight, which doesn't count) is the Anita Blake series, and Anita's not a werewolf. She dated a werewolf for a while, but couldn't hang and dumped him for the vampire. Not my choice, but whatever.

My profile should have my email, but just in case, it's trish.browning at gmail blah blah blah. Did I read this post right that you won't be informing the winners via email, that they have to check back to see if they've won? Won't you please inform us via email?? I follow 300+ blogs and it's hard to keep track of everything...

Anonymous said...

OH! And I subscribe to your blog. You're one of the 300+ that I strive to keep track of...

Anonymous said...

I've never read these books before, but I have seen them around a lot at various book blogs and they sound like something I'd like. I love horror books and paranormal books. Anything with creatures, really, that are dark rather than simply fantasy.

There are tons of were books I've read and liked, though the weres were always secondary characters. For example, I really love the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris. She has brought in a number of were creatures and they are taking on a very central role. Alcide is a great character, though I am a bit upset at the way his character has changed through the novels.

I blogged about your contest here:


drey said...

Annie ~ These are good!

Stacie ~ Welcome!

Dawn M. ~ I got hooked on book 1, and read 'em as fast as I could, lol!

Lexie ~ I love that interaction between Kate & Curran, too...

Wendy ~ I heart Sookie too!

Tanya ~ I have a feeling you'd love these. =)

trish ~ 300 blogs?!?! Whoa... And yes, the "come back & check" thing is just in case I can't get a hold of people. And while I know that most people have their email addys on their profile, it means I have to go dig thru profiles & copy 'em down. I will email, promise!

Valorie ~ Thanks for the link love. It seems like a lot of people like the Sookie series. =)

Cricket said...

I would love an entry to win this book! Thank you!

I have not read these books yet. I do like werewolf books though! A favorite of mine would be the character 'Billy' from the Dresden files books.

Anonymous said...

I have not read any of the books in this series, yet. I am drawn to it because I've always enjoyed reading/watching strong, female characters. I also dig any story that has a darker, scarier side to it. I really enjoy stories with werewolves, vampires, and any other similar "monsters".

Adam Smith said...

I've read the first three, and love them -- Kitty acts like a real person, with believable flaws and actual psychological damage as a result of stuff that happens to her. And yes, she's my favorite character. As for other characters, I don't like any other werewolves; few authors can make them interesting.

Also, I'm following you!

Kat Bryan said...

I haven't had the pleasure of reading this series....yet. I don't think I've heard of a female werewolf in a story or even TV show before. It would be very interesting to see how the author combines that side of the character with the human side. I also love the character's name (Kitty).

Icedream said...

This series is new to me and I am excited to give it a try. I am a "newbie" to the urban fantasy genre and I am always on the lookout for good recommendations. I am also a bit OCD about reading a series in order so this giveaway is perfect. I would love to be entered! Thanks

Icedream said...

I have added your blog to my reader :D

graywolf2037 said...

I haven't had a chance to read this series yet but I'm always looking for new authors to check out. I like all werewolves. I'm a bit obsessed, lol. I like Patricia Briggs... I am a follower. graywolf2037 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I've read the first four. What I love about these books is that Kitty really struggles w/what her human side is socialized to see is acceptable & desirable, & what the wolf's biology is telling her. I feel like in a lot of urban fantasy/paranormal romance, when people are turned into werewolves or vampires or whatever, there's too little of that contemplation, & it's just used as an excuse for violent sex -- which, hey, can be great to read, but seems to be a lazy plot device in some ways. I like that Kitty is determined that being a jerk isn't tied to whether or not you're supernatural.

sisuzine at gmail

drey said...

Jodi ~ I like the Dresden files, too, but haven't picked one up in a while.

J.R. ~ You signed up! Yay!

Adam ~ You're right, Kitty's pretty amazing after all that she's had to deal with. I also like Mercy Thompson, even though she's not a werewolf. But a coyote's close, right? *snickers* *ducks*

Kat ~ Yeah, the first thing that drew me to the series was, frankly, the thought of a werewolf named Kitty.

Icedream ~ Um, if you start on Jan 1st (on this blog), you'll find out that I'm probably the most OCD reader out there...

graywolf ~ I LOVE Patricia Briggs!

sisuzine ~ Yup, a jerk is a jerk is a jerk. Doesn't matter what size, shape, color, being, etc. you are.

Everyone, thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

regretfully i havent read any of her books. and would really love to win
t he whole series,
i didnt know who charlaine harris was, but i read one books, went to time, lol i lik ehaving them all and not having to wait

i like werewolves
its the 2nd on my list, vampires are first
ive seen carries books, but never knew which to begin with too
(1 ting, i wished the would do, to all the series books, somewhere on the book, put the number of the book,LOL for simple minded person as myself, so i dont wind up with 2 of the same books)

the accidental werewolf,i liked alot
i subscibed and i follow , and if i can get my myspace to let me in (growl)
ill post a bulletin
and im right now trying to make a blog too, waiting for my password, which i forgot ,when i signed up for just to blog

Anonymous said...

I never read about this book before but I heard about it from many blog reviewers. I am a big fun of paranormal books so when I heard that the main character is a werewolf. I am already intrigue. The fact that she is a kickass heroine is an added bonus. My favorite werewolves characters are Curran and Derek from Magic Bites/Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews, Billy & the Alphas from Dresden Files by Jim Butcher and Elena Michaels by Kelley Armstrong.


Anonymous said...

I follow your blog via reader and blogged about this contest at my LJ:


Anonymous said...

I haven't even heard of these books until the giveaways on blogs. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't actually read any of these yet, which is a shame since I'm such a huge fan of fantasy. It's hard for me to read the larger series because I live in such a small town. There aren't any book stores and my library always seems to have a hard time getting all the books to series of this size in. It seems they are very well liked though, I hope I get a chance to read them. Enter me please! :)

Rattlesnake2021 AT aol DOT COM

Anonymous said...

I have the first four Kitty books all in a row on my shelf. And I have no hesitation in rec'ing them to friends, because they are (almost) exactly what I want in a paranormal fantasy. Kitty is an honest-to-goodness American woman of the 20th/21st century, which means that she gets frustrated with sexism and aristocracy, and tries very hard to lead the life she wants to lead, rather than being warped to fit by the men in her life. I love her vampires, which aren't sexy enthrallments, but freaking scary. (Except for Alette, who is possibly the most original and trope-bucking vampire I've seen since I discovered Anne Rice at fourteen.) I love that Kitty deals with real life and normal issues, as well as the not-normal ones. I love that this is *not* a paranormal romance. Yes, there is romance, but similar to Charlaine Harris, the romance is not the only nor the main plot, and takes time (and false starts) to grow into something stable and life-affirming.

I wish Kitty had more women around her, but she (like Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson) doesn't have a lot of *anybody* around. The lack of women friends is something I dislike about a lot of urban fantasy, irregardless of how it's set up. I also consider the Kitty books to be "potato chip books," quick, not particularly heavy, and addictive. (Both a good and bad thing.)

But overall, I think Kitty may be my favorite of the paranormal fantasy heroines gracing the shelves of the bookstores nowadays. She's a fully realized woman, in the "real" world. Kudos to Ms. Norville for threading the needle so very well.

drey said...

Stephen ~ I don't think that's only true at small-town libraries. I can't find Kitty at my library, either. Or much of anything in the urban fantasy category, actually.

technocracy girl ~ If I was picking winners based on their entries, so far you're it. It's like you took my thoughts and put 'em down for me. Could you be my long-lost twin? =P

Unknown said...

I've never read them, but I have heard of them. I think my reason for being interested is that urban fantasy is such a huge hit these days that I need to get into some of it and figure out what it's all about. These books seem to be pretty popular and I've heard good things, so why not start here (well, I've read some Pratt, which was good, but that's different somehow). It's sort of an experiment thing, I guess.

Email is in my blogger profile :). Thanks for the cool giveaway.

Unknown said...

I blogged about this giveaway here:


Anonymous said...

I haven't read these yet, but I've heard nothing but praise for them. These days, everyone and their dog seems to be talking about how great Carrie Vaughn's books are. I like urban fantasy myself - especially smart, sassy urban fantasy, which is what these sound like - so I'm pretty eager to read 'em.

(And I'm not on Blogger, but I've just popped you into my Google reader).

-- Memory
xicanti AT

To enter, leave a comment and tell me whether you've read these books before. If you have, did you like it? What did you like about it? Who's your favorite character? Why? If you haven't, why do these books interest you? What other werewolf characters do you like? Who wrote the book(s)?

bas said...

I love the Kitty books, and have read everything except the short story that started it. I am on page 63 of Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand. Kitty is my favorite character because she is so out there, and yet I can see her as a real person. Lots of issues,(her mother issues ring very true) but working on them. I like lots of other were characters, especially the Wilks series. Rule and his clans are awesome. Some of Charlaine Harris's weres are so sexy, too, and I can't wait to see if she includes that fighter hunk in other books. I also like all of the Dirk Steel characters (were or not). I own a used books store and the first time Kitty goes to Washington came in, I almost didn't take it because it looked like a porn book, which we don't take (although that line gets blurrier and blurrier with all the erotica that is blurring the lines). The woman that brought it in gave it rave reviews and so I took it home.....and got hooked on Kitty.

drey said...

S.M.D. ~ Thanks for the link love!

Memory ~ I'm kinda starting to wonder if I'll ever get tired of smart, sassy urban fantasy... I hope not!

bas ~ A used books store?! That's my dream!!! Where are you?

Anonymous said...

I have not read any of these books, though I have read the first Kitty Norville short story and really enjoyed it.

I blogged about this contest here.

Thanks! Lorin
lorin_arch (at) hotmail (dot) com

Francine Anchondo said...

I have not read any of the books yet but I want to because I love paranormal books and heard good things about this series.I dont really read much on werewolfs so I thought might as well start with this series.

KorynMarie- said...

I read the first Kitty book and I loved it, the radio station is awesome!


Anonymous said...

Another comment to say that I subscribed to you in google reader.

I forgot to say in my earlier post that I've read Bitten and Stolen by Kelley Armstrong and liked them both.

drey said...

Lorin ~ I like your artwork. =) Thanks for the link love... I like Kelley Armstrong, too...

Francine & KorynMarie- ~ Good luck!

Anonymous said...

please enter me, my first time here! wow , a whole other world of books out theRE

Unknown said...

Thanks drey. I have no idea how my comment did not end up in here. Anyway, I would love to get the set.
I haven't read any, but I have read many good things about the series (one place is the Witches, Werewolves and Vampires group on Shelfari). Anyway as far as any other books I've read similar it would have to be Jim Butcher and his Dresden Files. I love this one.

Anonymous said...

I've read the first one in the's very cute, and I would love to win the full set.


Pamela S said...

I have never read any of these books, but I'd LOVE to give them a try! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this book. pamelashockley(at)netscape(dot)net

elizabeth said...

I've never read any of Carrie Vaughn's books but I have a friend who has been raving about them so much I really want to try them. I read constantly and a lot of different genre. I usually am reading at least three different books at any one time.

Cynthia said...

I have not read and have always want to. So wish me luck to win this great set and thank you for the chance.

Anonymous said...

OMG. I am so excited about this giveaway. I've been hearing so much about these books and haven't had a chance to buy them or get them from the library. I would love to have the set so I can just keep reading one book after another :)

I also blogged about it here:

Michelle Kuo said...

What a giveaway! I just finished reading your 2 reviews and the series sounds so interesting! If I don't win, I'm definitely going to check it out at my library. I'm all for books with suspense and girls kicking butt!
Sadly, I haven't really read any books with werewolves in them, only the Twilight saga. So for now I'll have to say Jacob Black. I really do like him though!

I'm a follower :)



Ann Diana Dinh, said...

Wow, six books? That's great! And the books sound so interesting! As for the whole werewolves thing, I haven't read any books with them in it except for the Twilight Saga. So I'm going with Michelle with the Jacob Black! I like him though! I cried for him while reading the book...

I'm a follower.

Bingo said...

OK, I have not read any of these books but think if I win what it would mean? It would mean that I will finally start reading about the craze all my middle school reading students are into. I have almost started to read the Twilight series just to understand the strong addictive attraction my students feel. They are now starting to find other books to read as long as there are vampires. So besides these look pretty good as this Kitty sure has it going on from the titles, at least, I will be "in" with my kids! Thanks for letting me enter!

Amy said...

the books look mysterious. My other fave werewolf is jacob black and the author is Carrie Vaughn

Unknown said...

I've read all but the last book, which I am reading now, and (of course) the upcoming release. I do like the series - and it is a breath of fresh air in the current frenzy of paranormal romances that are dominating bookstore shelves. Kitty is, of course, my favorite character, a strong female lead who isn't completely helpless. I don't follow any other series with werewolf characters. Lastly, Carrie Vaughn is the author.

I follow the blog via googlereader.

ko _ lists [at} gmail (dot] com

Anonymous said...

I have never heard any of these books. They look very interesting!

Nicole said...

I have not read these books, but they look like something I'd really enjoy. I'm almost done reading the 7 book Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris and am loving them. There's alot of supernatural creatures in the series, including shapeshifting werewolves. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Sage Ravenwood said...

In all honesty this is the first I've heard of these books. However you do make them seem rather intriguing. I have a feeling whether I win or not, I'll be looking these books up for future reading. As for my favorite werewolf, at the moment that would be Jacob from the Twilight series. The whole Native American edge is appealing to me.

Thanks for the opportunity! (Hugs)Indigo

drey said...

Less than two days to go! You guys rock for entering my giveaways... =) I can't wait!

Astaryth said...

This Series is Sooooo on my list of TBR. I love this style of book with the Kick ass heroine. Kim Harrison's Hallows series, Laura Hamilton's Anita Blake & Meridith Gentry books, Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld all rock. I just finished the first Sookie Stackhouse Novel by Charlaine Harris last week and already have the 2nd one in the TBR pile. Currently reading Twilight.

This would be a great addition to my library, especially since I've been picking up and putting down the first book of the series at the bookstore on my last several trips. Something else just keeps getting put in front of it; too bad my book money isn't unlimited.

Favorite Werewolves? Currently that would be Clay and Jeremy Danvers from the Armstrong books... but I'm currently reading Twilight and I with Jacob might be in the running... oh, and of course there is always Jason from the Anita Blake books. LOL!

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your drawing. I have not read these books but of course my favorite werewolf is Jacob from Twilight. Although I am a big fan of Edward and saying I like Jacob is killing me. HAHAH

Bingo said...

I've never read Carrie Vaughn's books -- please enter me for this collection!


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