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A lil' plug for Dirty Little Angels, by Chris Tusa...

February 23, 2009
Here's a little plug for a debut novel by Chris Tusa. I read the first chapter at his website, and was impressed enough that I asked for a copy to read and review. =) Dirty Little Angels will be released on March 1st by the University of West Alabama Press.

From the press release:
Set in the slums of New Orleans, among clusters of crack houses and abandoned buildings, Dirty Little Angels is the story of sixteen year old Hailey Trosclair. When the Trosclair family suffers a string of financial hardships and a miscarriage, Hailey finds herself looking to God to save her family. When her prayers go unanswered, Hailey puts her faith in Moses Watkins, a failed preacher and ex-con. Fascinated by Moses's lopsided view of religion, Hailey, and her brother Cyrus, begin spending time down at an abandoned bank that Moses plans to convert into a drive-through church. Gradually, though, Moses's twisted religious beliefs become increasingly more violent, and Hailey and Cyrus soon find themselves trapped in a world of danger and fear from which there may be no escape.

Chris Tusa was born and raised in New Orleans. His work has appeared in Connecticut Review, Texas Review, Prairie Schooner, The New Delta Review, South Dakota Review, Southeast Review, Passages North, Spoon River, New York Quarterly, Louisiana Literature, Tar River, StorySouth, and others. He has studied under a number of notable writers, including Tim Gautreaux, Sidney Wade, and Debora Gregor. With the help of a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, he was able to complete his first book of poetry, Haunted Bones, which was released by Louisiana Literature Press in 2006. Dirty Little Angels is his first novel. Tusa holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Florida. Aside from teaching in the English Department at LSU, he also acts as Managing Editor for Poetry Southeast.


Bingo said...

Kudos to you, Drey, for highlighting a new and sounds like interesting author AND book! I find some of my best reads this past year have been from first time authors! Thanks for the post!

Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm all too familiar with adversity and religious dementia (not my own thankfully). Thanks for the heads up on this book. (Hugs)Indigo

~Rebecca Anne~ said...

Ah, I see my friend Indigo took my advice and got over here~ This does sound like an interesting and fresh sort of story on religion and family. I'll be watching for it.

drey said...

lol, Bingo! Didn't you know I pimp for anyone whose writing I like? =P

Indigo, thanks for the hugs. Sounds like you need some to!

Rebecca Anne - THANKS for sending people here! muah!

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