I'm supposed to find my 5th photo file folder, then the 5th photo in that file folder. Post that picture on your blog. Tag 5 others to do the same.
You guys are now stuck looking at a family photo taken in December 2002, at my grandparents' 60th anniversary celebration. This is most of the Wong Clan, my mother's family. My grandparents had 11 children, 9 of whom survived. My mother is the oldest, and has two sisters and six brothers. I have 20 first cousins (1 deceased), one brother, and one sister. All but one, in the picture below. (I do apologize that it's not a very good picture!)
The little girl in the bottom right - she's my youngest cousin. I'm 2nd oldest. If I recall correctly, there's 28 years between us. =P
Now, who to tag? Hmm...
Marta @ Marta's Meanderings
Evie @ the Book Fiend
Michelle @ 13L|THE
Janel @ Janel's Jumble
Jo-Jo @ Jo-Jo loves to read!!!
Have fun playing along! =)
Hey thanks for tagging me! Just thought I'd let you know that I just posted up my picture meme :D
Haha it was fun to see what pictures would pop up in my computer xD
I have loads of cousins like that, too. My oldest cousin would be almost 90 now if he were still living. (I'm the second youngest, by the way.
Glad you did the meme Drey (= What a nice big family. I bet you guys have a lot of fun when everyone gets together.
Thanks Drey...I will get mine posted this weekend. I love the photo!
Michelle, that's an awesome photo! =)
bermudaonion ~ This is only my mom's side. My dad's the youngest of his siblings. My oldest cousin on my dad's side has kids older than me.
Mishel ~ Yes, we do. Unfortunately that doesn't happen very often, we're scattered across continents. Thank goodness for facebook, eh? =P
Jo-Jo ~ I can't wait to see what you come up with. =) Thanks for playing!
Great pic Drey. Ours would look like that if everyone ever got together. My grandparents were very busy having children-my dad's were 9 kids and mom's 15 kids. Yikes hey. lol.
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